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One Can Be Inborn in Talent, One Can Excel in Perseverance

Updated on August 3, 2020
Chen Xiaoyei profile image

Hello, everyone! I love to travel, and one of my biggest dreams in life is to travel around the world alone or with someone dear.

The Sweet Spot of TALENT CODE By: Daniel Coyle

His books inspire me a lot. Means Daniel Coyle cited all the possibilities how one can excel in his chosen field or even in not.

We all know all of us are born unique. What is meant by “born in unique?” Meaning, each of us has his own talent. Which means one can do such great things without exerting much effort while others can do such great things in practicing more. As the saying says, “practice makes perfect”.

There are people who are inborn in talent. Like they are inborn to have an angelic voice. Which means he/she can sing a song with a quality of voice effortless. One can dance easily and can perform as easy as a professional dancer effortlessly.

In Daniel Coyle points of view in his “Sweet Spot” in Talent Code, he tells us the readers that we can all excel in our field by engaging so much effort. In his views, “deep learning”, through this we can achieve our goals. We can excel in every field we are choosing in. We can neither be successful if we practice “deep learning”.

Not only by “deep learning”, he also tells us that “failure is part of the learning process and part of our growth. In every failure we should accept it and learn from it so only we can move forward and begin a new chapter. Talent is one of our weapons in achieving our goal in life. You may not be inborn doesn’t mean you do not have a talent. Daniel Coyle argues that through “deep learning” you can also be a talented one.

Because in this world full of cruelties, life is full of surprises. There are people who are inborn such great talents like dancing, singing, acting, a genius, and more. But they don’t practice it or value it; they also are the same with those who are not inborn. Thus, if you are not inborn with great talent means you should practice eagerly, persevere, determination, and courage.

When I was in my first grade I never joined in any school curricular activities such as dancing. I love music and dancing as well. But every time I dance my body becomes stiff. I can no longer perform the steps. What a pity! So that’s why I never dance even though I love to. Yet I promised to myself that no matter what I should learn to dance. Dancing may be a difficult task for me to do since it is not my forte.

When I reached my 4th grade, I tried again to join in a dance performance for our school activities. The dance is a combination of ballroom and traditional. You know what I did to perform it well on final performance? I practice everyday even after our practice with the choreographer. At home I did not mess up any opportunity to practice until I got it perfectly. The rhythm and the compass of the music with the steps I can finally do it perfectly. That’s how I learned dancing.

As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect”. You may not be born as a total performer on stage but you can learn it. You may not be born as a genius but by studying hard with proper balance you can be one of them. In this world we live in there is no such perfect thing we can do even though we are born in it. You may be born as a genius but you never practice or you have high expectations of yourself, believe me, you are making your life more miserable than those who eagerly practice and do their best in every way possible they can.

In summary, Daniel Coyle views trying to tell us that as one who has courage, strong determination, perseverance, and engages himself in “deep learning” he/she can excel in every way and every chosen field. Character and attitude of a person plays a big role in how we can be a better person in the future to come. Because to be talented does not depend on whether you are inborn or not.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Rina Grace


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