We were walking along the Beach the other day, paying our respects to the Ocean. We walked along in silence for awhile...Breaking through with words every now and then. Feeling comfortable with just the sounds of the Ocean and the Birds calling as they searched for their next meal.
As we walked along we were amused by a group of Seagulls, that seemed to form a line as if waiting for us to snap their picture...with their backs to the sea...However, we had forgotten the camera...But still the scene was "snapped" in our minds, and it made us smile and laugh.
As we walked along talking about this and that, I looked down to discover what looked like a perfect Conch Shell...It was gleaming in the Sun, wet from the incoming tide. I quickly picked it up before it could be washed back out to sea. It was a beautiful treasure to find. LoverMan said, "put it to your ear and you will hear the ocean"...I did, and I could, it was wonderful.
"It's not perfect you know" he said, as I gave it to him to listen. He turned it over to show me, a midsize hole on the other side, as he handed it back to me. I flipped it over and saw the jagged edge, my fingers running back and forth along it. My perfect find, was not perfect, it was flawed...But not to me.
The beginning of the day had been flawed, by a young man's passing before his time, who would be exchanging his "Flawed outer Shell, for a Healthy Inner One" in the Haven's above.
Outer Shells are important...it's what the world sees and sometimes cruelly judges us on...or not, only seeing the beauty...But it's still what's inside that says who we really are...
How's your Inner Shell treating you, and the world today?