Old Man
I prod you away with a staff
That you block surreptitiously
With a dismissive palm
Defeating me with your
Superior decades
I am repelled by your
Acquiescence to gravity
Your body’s complicity
With the downward drag
Time’s sandbags
You stalk me
A shambling monkey
In my peripheral
Always there
My enemy
I put up walls
Great walls of stone and brick
To keep you out
You laugh as you walk
Through them
I hide you
In loose clothing
Long sleeves and trousers
My writing
But you never leave
You know your advantage
You know I cannot escape
You know my resistance
Is an illusion
You smile
Missing some teeth
Your skin wrinkled with use
You are a loose bag of flesh
Awaiting death
You smile
For you know
I cannot resist you
I know
I cannot resist you
Someday soon I will be you
I must embrace you
Love you
As I love me