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Orb Of Life - 2 Love Poems By Cathy Nerujen

Updated on January 13, 2017

The "Orb Of Life" poems are 2 parts to the same moment of two lovers being together at the end of a beautiful day. Each one is a poetic snapshot of moments, of bliss and of sensations felt in each beautiful place, as evening and the sunset gives way to night...for two people who are so in love. They are told differently, in different poetic manner - as the peace and solace of the beach scene almost invites the pen onto paper to capture the sunset moment and the feelings felt as time slows down...

Orb Of Life - part 1 of 2

In the true blue cool
of the dancing day -
while my girls they dance
their blues away -
when the sun has passed
its selling point -
and tips the nod and
shines upon
my girl - her shining eyes
and glows -
her beaming smile
and tapping toes -
we dance the groove -
we sway and swing -
this glowing sun
heats everything -

You Orb of life -
you golden glow -
you sample every
thought I know -
you warm this heart -
you make me see -
how love can change
things totally -
this lyric love -
our singing - songing -
all living things -
they need belonging -
become my hopes -
become my dreams -
restore my faith -
my self esteem -
tonight together -
we will be -
so much of you
I see in me -

Our lips will kiss -
our skin will touch -
we'll climb the highest
high so much -
we'll knot and tie -
we'll clasp damp hands -
this Sacred Mound
on which they stand -
we cherish this love
every day -
I'll never let
you go away -
just be my girl -
and hold me tight -
and love me tender
through the night.

Orb of Life - part 2 is below.
Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Cathy Nerujen. All Rights reserved.


Orb Of Life - part 2 of 2

The sun in a mellow seasoned orange color sky -
your eyes so brown and deep as any wood -
the walnut-skinned soft fingers of you hold me -
they brim with gentle love that sends me high -

Our arms - we overlap and snuggle in the setting sun -
the people watch and sigh as Gaia dives her lover -
the sea it swallows, churns and changes blue -
this warmness in your soul as we secumb -

Golden sunlight fills your eyes as fingers take me -
your gentle lips they sweetly smile and ask -
my answering eyes they play upon a sailboat -
a churning rudder turns and ploughs so deeply -

Your hair it flows and dances in the evening breeze -
I drink you warm and deep as any lover would -
my soul belongs to you forever now, my darling -
this sweetest love as deep as any seas -

Like moths we float t'wards beach lights - blue and grey -
sand in toes as girls - we two - we tiptoe in -
we pull the blanket 'pon us on the sunset porch -
and sit, and holding hands - we keep our sweet long day -

Nighttime bells they chime and catch the wind - and sing -
soft tinkles sigh a peeling sweet cajoling song -
like fingers strumming strings along my tummy now -
are these the songs we venus lovers bring?


The music in the sunset tricks our happy sleepy eyes -
and gentle sounds of laughter fill the night time air -
the pattern of your kisses on my cheeks like rain -
as pillow saffron'd softness of your breasts fall and rise

Fireflies dance like bonfire sparks around us in the dim-lit light -
glottal stops of protons cross the universe -
the boats asleep as wafting soft waves break along our shore -
we star-struck lovers kiss and merge now in the night -

Soft candle glow - a lightning jar - so rampant - rife -
the darkness falls - our clothes expel and skins collide -
our bodies - moistened tongues taste - noiseless acrobats -
you pull me in - ignite this wick - my Orb of Life.

Warmly dedicated with love and lots of hugs for Fehl. She brings love and light to my life. And special thanks to Cassy for so much support and friendship.

Copyright © 2013 to 2017 Cathy Nerujen. All rights reserved.

This is just one of several poems in a series of romantic poetry I am publishing on Hub Pages, and there are many more in my book of romantic poems coming in 2017.

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Also why not check out the Book "Romance" - Thirty by Epigramman, also known on Hub Pages as Colin Stewart.


"Romance" - Thirty poems by Epigramman

Romance: Thirty by Epigramman
Romance: Thirty by Epigramman
A treasure of romantic poetic delights. Epigramman (aka Colin Stewart) dips into his trove of thousands of poems, limericks, ballads, and lyrical rhymes to give us thirty of his best loved romantic writing. Highly recommended.

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