Pebbles in the Heart
Pebbles hurt
Pebbles in the Heart
How meager do others know
Their minds are hollow empty shells
Little and tainted love they show
In their hearts, forever dwells.
A ‘friend’ they all themselves declare
But like a strong wind snapping a bough
Caress not one’s gentle existence
A blinding will to destroy somehow.
Pebbles fill gaps in their hearts
And mudded clay to keep them strong
Vile blood, soon veins will run dry
Life’s misfortune they choose all along.
Then, far distance an arrow fell
Someone’s tamed wings now hanging there
Teardrops glisten halfway in the air
A friend’s pleasure that chose not care.
So wounds do bury an admirable heart
Whose only joy flying along by one’s side
For those pebbles of bitterness painfully strike
More than an arrow could kill one alive.
≈♥≈ ©Marites Mabugat-Simbajon 04.10.2014 | "Pebbles in the Heart", a poem