Poem: Love is a Decision
It takes both parties to sustain.
Love, a Decision not a Feeling
Remember the time when we first met?
Our eyes that sparkled as we chat?
That night when I finally sent you back?
Unwillingly, lingering at your door step?
Eagerly, we made new plans to meet.
Excited, were we and I could not sleep.
After many dates and texts and calls..
Our journey as a couple finally took course.
The 6 months after; were amazingly sweet,
Yet as times went by, our love began to falter.
Now a year has gone and I start to seek,
The girl I first met when we were 1 year younger.
Is this the stage when the euphoria has fade?
Where has our passion gone
and left us so forlorn?
Yet in our eyes, remains the former sparkle,
Let us hold our hands and work together,
to instill in them; their former luster.