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Poems From The Jersey Shore 3 - Inspirational Favorites

Updated on April 17, 2020
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Tim is a freelance writer, poet, artist and storyteller. He always tries to find and include lessons for everyone in his writing.

Another week at the beach

It has really been interesting this week at the Jersey Shore or as us locals simply call it, “the beach.” No longer are we allowed to venture out to walk along the boardwalk or beach. It is something I miss.

It is so freeing both in mind and body to just feel the ocean breeze and hear the waves pounding against the shore line.

it also means I haven’t been able to take my own photos or sketch my drawings. In light of what’s going on I decided to devote this weeks poems to more of a an inspirational tone. I hope you enjoy the third installment.

As always stay safe and here‘s to everything getting back to normal.

Wings of Prayer

A poem I wrote about the importance and need for prayer.

Close you eyes

Open your heart

Feel the cares

Of this world depart

As you lift your voice

To god above

And yield yourself

To the father’s love

Closer and closer

He’ll draw you near

Soon his soft voice

You will hear

Lift you voice higher and higher

On the wings of prayer

No matter who, no matter where

Lift you voice higher

On the wings of prayer

God does not like

To sit idly by

He wants to be involved

In your life

He wants to constantly

Hear from you

With prayer and praise and

Thanksgivings too

So lift you voice

In song and prayer

Lift your voice higher and higher

On the wings of prayer

Where Love Is

Where love is

The heart is light

Each new day dawns

Fresh and bright

Where love is

The face is painted

With a smile

And all things seem

So worthwhile

Where love is

There is hope

Cause’ you have a savior

To help you cope

Where love is

The heart sings a new song

To give you comfort

When things go wrong

Where love is

Two hearts become one

A knot is tied

That can’t be undone

Love is forever

It has a beginning

But no end

So blessed are those that

Walk in love

Especially when tied

To god above. | Source


Words are something we take for granted. God says out of the same mouth can come curses and words of encouragement. This poem is about using the right words.

Words can build you up

Words can tear you down

We’re throwin’ them words


Your day is goin’ bad

You need a word to

To make you feel glad

Someone says something cruel

You’re hurtin’ inside

Feelin’ the fool

Words can build you up

Words can tear you down

We’re throwin’ them words


Try to do what is right

It’s always wrong

In you parent’s sight

Tell you you’ll never

Amount to nothin’

Why even try

You hide in your room

Start to cry

Words can build you up

Words can tear you down

We’re throwin’ them words


Kids in school call you names

Never meant to hurt you

To them it’s just a game

But the words cut like knife

Deep to your soul

Shape your life

Words can build you up

Words can tear you down

We’re throwin’ them words




I wrote this poem based on the idea that home is place in our memories. A place that may not be the same as we remember but it is still dear to our heart. It is a place where we get part of life’s inspirations.

I went back to the house

Where I was raised

The place looked a lot smaller

Then in those gone by days

The grass was not mowed

Flower beds were full of weeds

They had even cut down

That old sycamore tree

The porch where i sat with my girlfriend

On those hot summer nights

Was all littered with

Hastily discarded bikes

The house looked in need

Of a new coat of paint

How could the new owners

Let my memories fade away

Fade away

Can’t go back to the

Way it was

Time forces the past to

Fade away fade away

As I stood there a lot of

Emotions ran through my mind

Gone was that special place

My heart was hoping to find

And with it all the memories

That were created there for me

I could not catch one glimpse

Of the past i came to see

With one last look i got in the car

And started the engine

And thought it is really true

You can’t go home again. | Source

Love Binds Us

An inspiring poem about love in a marriage or close friendshi.

Love binds us as one

Deep within our hearts

What love joins together

Can never be torn apart

Once separate

Our lives are now set

On a new course

For richer or poorer

Better or worse

Traveling together

Down the river of life

The happiest times will be

When you’re by my side

We’re 2 into 1

We’re 2 into 1

What freinship has

Bound in the heart

Can’t be undone

It is a knot tied tight

That won’t slip

Outta our sight

We’re 2 into 1

We’re 2 into 1

We’re friends forever

Even death won’t tear us apart

Cause of the love we have for god

And each other

Deep within our hearts

So until then we will cherish

Each and every day

Cause we’re friends forever

Nothing can stand in our way

We’ll always be around

To help each other out

When were feelin down

When we’re feel in doubt

We’re friends foreve

Some final words

There you have week three of poems here at the Jersey Shore. See you next week. As always if you have any ideas for poems feel free to include them in the comments.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Timothy Whitt


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