Poems From the Porch 12
A Quick Welcome
I will make this quick because I have already gone over 1200 words. Also, because I am a little late publishing this collection I decided to add one extra poem. Anyway, welcome to the porch and I hope you enjoy these poems.
Lawrence Hebb
"The Angel poem was the best one yet, that's my take on it, and I'd like to think he'd send us back 'on special assignments'
Maybe that can be a poem, 'a special assignment' but I'll leave that up to you."
Lawrence, I don't think the following poem is exactly what you had in mind. I was trying to come up with a poem about God sending one angel back on a special assignment, but it came out a little differently. I think he wanted me to deliver a message.
Poets are damned… but see with the eyes of angels.
— Allen GinsbergThe Special Assignment
The Lord God called a meetiing,
All the angels must attend.
Even to the cherubim
The invite did extend.
“I’m sending you all down to Earth,
Each of you must play a part.
I need to reignite the love
In every human heart.
There‘s too much war and hatred,
Prejudice and blame,
And everybody takes offence.
It really is a shame.
The human race is tainted,
Free will has gone too far.
The oppressed don’t seek equality,
They want to be the star.
You’ll infiltrate each country,
Community and group,
Spreading common-sense through love,
God’s Restoration Troup.
You must not be discouraged,
Quell protests and complaints,
And if you need some extra help
I’ll resurrect the Saints.
Your job will not be easy,
It may be a long long haul,
For if you fail, another flood
May be my final call.”
Shauna S Bowling
“So, (although I've already given you a topic of which you've addressed), I'd like to see you write a poem about finding yourself.”
Thank you for another request Shauna. You a aren’t disqualified because you have made previous requests. In fact, keep them coming. I hope you like the following poem.
Look back and get experience! Look forward and see hope! Look around and find reality! Look within and find yourself.
— Dr Anil Kumar SinhaFinding the Key to Your Heart
Everyone is looking for
a life goal to attain.
Some lucky souls realise their dream,
but others search in vain.
The world’s a complicated place,
so much to see and do.
You need to find your place in it
to reveal the inner you.
Many people cry for help
and need a guiding hand,
but, first you’ll need to find yourself,
before you take a stand.
You devote your time to learning
to give yourself a start,
but the treasure that you really seek
is locked safely in your heart.
So, whatever work employs you
or location you may be,
you must continue searching
until you find the key.
Rosina S Khan
"I would like to make a request. Please do write a poem for me on "Reconciling with My Withering Love"."
It was my pleasure to write a poem for you, Rosina. I hope it is what you were looking for.
One minute of reconciliation is worth more than a whole life of friendship!
— Gabriel Garcia MarquezReconciling With My Withering Love
My love is like a climbing rose
That withers on the vine.
I ask you why you’re troubled,
You answer, “I’ll be fine!”
Oh, how I long to resurrect
The burning love we had,
But your indifference to my pleas
Just makes me feel so sad.
I love you still, with all my heart,
I long for your embrace,
And even when we are apart
I can see your smiling face.
But am I just delusional,
Do you still even care?
I wish you’d open up to me
And your true feelings share.
I know that we can work this out,
Our love be strong once more,
But we need to share our feelings
So please tell me I implore.
Tiyasha Maitra
“You have such a knack for nature poetry John. So I was wondering, how about a poem on the the 4 seasons and how you observe the changes from your porch.”
I do like writing about nature, Tiyasha. I am not sure that you were expecting haiku, but that’s what you got haha. The winter one is not exactly how I observe it from my porch because we don’t get snow..but I claim “poetic licence” :)
When all the world appears to be in a tumult, and nature itself is feeling the assault of climate change, the seasons retain their essential rhythm. Yes, fall gives us a premonition of winter, but then, winter will be forced to relent, once again, to the new beginnings of soft greens, longer light, and the sweet air of spring.
— Madeleine M KuninThe Four Seasons, Haiku
Most birds nest in spring
Many plants start to flower
But not birds-nest ferns.
Summer’s scorching heat
The sun feels like a furnace
Let’s visit the beach.
The leaves are falling
The ground covered in colour
Winter’s approach looms
Temperatures drop
Snow falls and water freezes
I can’t wait for spring.
Shannon Henry
"I like what you did with that Beauty and the Beast prompt. Your poem tells the entire story of Gerald in a condensed form and is a story by itself. It almost reminds me of some song lyrics. So if I were to make a request, I think I'd request another poem similar to that one. One that tells a story."
Well, Shannon, the poem I wrote for your request isn't really like Beauty and the Beast but it does tell a story. I hope you like it.
The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat. They took some honey, and plenty of money, wrapped up in a five-pound note.
— Edward LearThe Owl and the Pussycat Get Married
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat were happily wed
And oh what a couple they were,
They spent their honeymoon in a balloon,
Covered in sea-otter fur.
The Owl pointed up at the moon above,
And sang with a joyful voice,
“Oh, beautiful Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
To marry you was a fine choice!
Fine choice,
Fine choice!
To marry you was a fine choice!”
Pussy stared at the sky asking, “Where should we fly?
The World is such a big place.”
“Let’s just fly away, for a month and a day,
And maybe soar up into space.
Their journey unfurled, to the end of the World,
To an island of purple sand dunes,
And there on the sand, was a cow with her band,
Playing all sorts of wonderful tunes,
Playing all sorts of wonderful tunes.
“Dear cow, am I wrong, or will you sing us a song?”
“A song?” said the bovine, “of course!”
So, she sang them a tune, beside the balloon,
About a baboon and a horse.
They danced and they sang, and dined on meringue,
While they drank from a cup made of spruce,
And then arm in arm, to the singing cow’s charm,
They let their balloon fly loose,
Fly loose,
Fly loose,
They let their balloon fly loose.
They stayed with the band, as they traveled the land,
Singing songs that nobody knew,
But everyone cheered when e’er they appeared
In the place where the four winds blew.
They slept in a tree, surrounded by bees,
And honey dripped down from above.
As the bees all flew south, the Owl opened his mouth
And said, “This is the honey I love,
I love,
I love,
This is the honey I love.”
“Goodbye Dear Cow, we must leave you now,”
Said Pussy-Cat with a wave and a grin.
We’ll see you again, as soon as we can,
By the hair on a little pig’s chin.”
They booked seats on a shuttle, and Owl said with a skuttle.
“It’s time to explore outer space!”
The band played a fanfare, as they flew into the air,
And a small tear ran down Pussy’s face,
Pussy’s face,
Pussy’s face,
A small tear ran down Pussy’s face.
See You Next Week
I hope you enjoyed your time on the porch this week. The next collection should feature poems for Mel Carriere, Pamela Oglesby, FlourishAnyway, and Ruby Jean Richert. Until then, stay safe and have fun.
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© 2019 John Hansen