Poems From the Porch 6
Welcome Back to the Porch
It's hard to believe almost a week has gone by since our last visit to the porch (well yours at least. I go there every day.) I had just put my pen down having finished the final poem when it started hailing. Talk about good timing. Anyway, it forced me inside, but the rain that followed was wonderful. It still hasn't broken the drought but ever drop is welcome and hopefully, more will follow soon.
This edition of Poems From the Porch actually has a bit of a gardening theme with two of the three poems being about plants/flowers. So, pull up a chair, get comfy, and hopefully enjoy this weeks poetry.
Marie Flint
"I've been reading many articles about gardening. One article I especially loved was about how one gardener related her gardening experience with her emotions. Instead of naming the plant, she used the feeling, planting hope, removing despair, etc. Why not try a similar theme in a poem?"
This was quite a challenge in itself but in a comment on a later article Marie went a little further:
"I love sonnets, so maybe put my gardening theme in one of those?
Thank you for whatever poetic form you find inspirational!"
This was probably the biggest challenge I have faced so far Marie, but I thank you for that because I really wanted these prompts to test my poetic abilities and push me to attempt different topics and styles.
Gardening My Emotions - a Sonnet
My garden is the place I like to go,
Away from trials and stresses of my life
To let my feelings and emotions flow
And deal with all my woes and inner strife.
My plants have names you may think rather strange,
Though this, for me, works better than a psyche.
In rows, I have my punnets all arranged
And plant them when a certain mood may strike.
I bury anger deep into the ground,
Regret must be replaced by hopes anew.
I water happiness so joy abounds,
So, nurture love and it will bloom for you.
Just like the sunlight helps the plants to thrive,
Pull out the bad and let the good survive.
Linda Lum
"You want inspiration? Be careful what you ask for, you might get it. It's certain the flood gates will open on this one. Here's one that I've been tossing around as I have just returned from a week-long vacation. 'Superlatives.'"
Linda, this is one subject I certainly would never have thought of as a subject for a poem, so thank you. I actually really enjoyed writing it, so hope you enjoy it too.
definition ~ Superlative: adj or verb - an exaggerated or hyperbolical expression of praise/ the highest quality or degree. Used to compare one thing against the rest of a group.:
You are the greatest of the great,
The very best of the best,
Most awesome of the awesomest,
Much better than the rest.
You're the smartest of the educated,
The wisest of the wise,
The deepest of all oceans,
The bluest of blue skies.
You're the tallest of all mountains.
More vast than all the seas,
The most loving of lovers,
More important than the trees.
You're the most brilliant of diamonds,
The prettiest of all flowers,
Most generous of volunteers,
And the funniest of clowns.
There aren't enough superlatives
To describe how great you are,
But, the fact that you do not seek praise
Makes you the brightest star.
Gypsy Rose Lee
"I don't know if you have a time like we used to have in Latvia when spring comes and lilacs bloom. If you do then one inspiration I could pass on to you is When Lilacs Bloom or When One season Changes to Another."
Gypsy, we don't have lilacs here as far as I know (unless someone has imported them specifically.) We have jacaranda trees that are in full purple bloom right now in Spring, however, so I can relate. At first, I considered writing a poem about the jacarandas but decided to honour your request and write a poem titled "When the Lilacs Bloom."
When the Lilacs Bloom
Pink and purple, sometimes white,
Lilac blooms are a pretty sight.
Said in the Balkans first originated,
And to the olive closely related.
The lovely bush seems Heaven- sent,
With an intense and spicy scent.
The eight-year anniversary flower
Represents love's youthful power.
The lilac flowers just once a year
Signalling when spring is here,
So, let's all push away the gloom
Each year, when the lilacs bloom.
Lilacs: The Greek Myth
The story of lilac, according to Greek mythology, begins with a beautiful nymph named Syringa (lilac's botanical name). Captivated by her beauty, Pan, the god of the forests and fields, chased Syringa through the forest. Frightened by Pan's affections, Syringa escaped him by turning herself into an aromatic bush – the flower we now refer to as lilac. (Source: Teleflora.com)
* There are other versions of this story with the most popular being that Syringa (Syrinx) was actually transformed into reeds just as Pan embraced her. He cut some and was intrigued by the beautiful sound whistling through them so he glued them together with beeswax and they became known as the syrinx or pan pipes.
Keep the Requests Coming
Remember, if you have an idea for a poem you'd like me to write, then let me know in comments. Throw subjects at me and I will do my best to write poems about them. If you want to really test me you can even request the type/style of poem you want.
Next weeks poems should include requests by Artchelle Arcillas, Li-Jen Hew, and Dora Wethers. Until then, stay safe and keep writing.
© 2019 John Hansen