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Poems From the Jersey Shore Vol 17 - Dedicated to Jersey

Updated on September 23, 2020
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Timothy is a Christian who enjoys creating visual art and writing. He has a B.S. in psychology.

Welcome to New Jersey

I’ve only lived in New Jersey for over a year but I’ve been coming here for many years. There are many customs and idiosyncrasies about my new home I look forward to learning.

In this grouping or poetry I’ve written poems about New Jersey from its love of pork roll, to the many retirement communities with thousands of seniors and even the unofficial state mascot the beloved Jersey Devil.

I hope you enjoy these poems.

Pork Roll or Taylor Ham

New Jersey is known for its pork roll sandwiches. Depending on where you’re from is, from what I understand, what you call them. Certain areas, especially around Trenton they are called Taylor Ham because of the factory of the same name hitch used to be there.

A pork roll sandwich is the one for me

I just love the muffin, egg and cheese

South Jersey can’t you see it my way

Come up, enjoy some pork roll today

No Taylor ham Is the sandwich we like

At breakfast what an oh so tasty bite

North Jersey come on see it our way

Have a Taylor Ham sandwich today

Yo guys aren’t they both the same

Taylor ham is pork roll by another name

Taylor Ham on a bun

Pork roll is the one

No matter the slice

They’re both quite nice

New Jersey we are there


Going Around the Circles

New Jersey is one of the few places I know where in many places order to make a left turn you have to either go right in a circle or turnabout. It is the inspiration for this poem.

Goin around the circles

Tryin to make a left

But first I must go right

To get where I want to get

Goin around the circles

Goin around the circles

Since I moved to Jersey

My driving habits changed

Now all my left turns

Start in the right lanes

Woo ah woo hoo, woo, ah woo hoo

Going around in circles,

Woo ah woo hoo, woo ah woo hoo

Goin around the circles

Tryin to make a left

But first I must go right

Goin around the circles

Goin around the circles


One of the best kept secrets about New Jersey is it isn’t a bad place to live when you retire. New the beach towns there are a lot of retirement communities. It is where I live and is the inspiration for this poem.

Sippin on some coffee

Watchin a little TV

Goin about my not so busy day

Watchin our my front door

I really don’t know what for

Sayin hi to people on their way

Wasting away the time in Retirementville

Searchin for something to pass the time

Some people claim retired life is lame

But I think I like it just fine

Don’t know what I’ll do

The next day or two

Maybe I’ll talk to my wife

But no matter what I choose

I’m in it win or lose

Cause I’m livin the retired life

Wasting away the time in Retirementville

Searchin for something to pass the time

Some people claim retired life is lame

But I’m quite sure I like it just fine

Blew off my old life

Stepped into free time

Sold my old house moved to a new home

In Retirementville

Older People

This poem is dedicated to us older people (Seniors) who live in the many retirement communities in Jersey. This poem is written to the tune of Randy Newman - Short People. It is meant to be humorous.

Old people are real people

Old people are real people

Old people are real people


Though they’ve got

Little wrinkled hands

And half shut eyes

And they shuffle around

In straight lines

They have sniffly noses

Some have false teeth

They wear special shoes

On arthritic feet

Still it is good to

Have older people

Have older people

Have older people

Around here

Older people are the same

As you and I

Especially one such as I

All people are related

Until the day they die

In this big world

Old people are real people

Old people are real people

Old people are real people

Who need to be loved

Though they’ve

Got wobbly legs

And they bend a little low

You gotta stoop down

Just to say hello

They have soft voices

Which squeak, squeak, squeak

They love to talk to you

They go peep, peep, peep

Well there are older people

There sure are older people

There sure are older people

Round here

The Pine Barrens

One of the most fascinating things of me about living in New Jersey is the Pine Barrens. I enjoy the variety and shapes of the pines trees. To me it is like a surreal art work. It is also the inspiration for this poem.

I must confess,say it’s so,so true

I don’t think I will in my life see

Something as wild and peculiar

As the Jersey Pine Barren trees

The trees are so bent and twisted

In so many odd and unusual ways

As if shaped by unseen hands

Who were wonderously at play

These strange and curious pines

Are splashed over the Jersey landscape

The Pine are not a thing of beauty

But are really a good place to escape

To walk the many trails and byways

To see all the many wonderful sights

All the flora and fauna who reside there

In the morning, noon and in the night

I must confess,say it’s so,so true

I don’t think I will in my life see

Something as wild and peculiar

As the Jersey Pine Barren trees

Seaside, NJ

The closest beach town to me is Seaside Heights so I figured I’d thrown in a poem about going to the beach there.

Were goin to Seaside to play in the sun

Were goin to Seaside to have some fun

C’mon baby, baby let’s hit the sand

We’ll feel the hot sand between our toes

The lathered waves toss us to and fro

We’ll pass some time workin on our tans

As we sit on a blanket atop the sand

The cool ocean breeze will feel so good

As we walk the boards,grab some food

We’ll play some games, watch the lights

As we enjoy Seaside deep into the night

Going to Seaside to play in the sun

Going to Seaside to have some fun

So good, so good, baby let’s hit the sand

The Jersey Devil

Is a legendary creature who many people will say roams the vast Jersey pine forest. Some even swear they’ve seen one. Who knows if it is true or not?

Lurking in the deep darkness

Of the vast New Jersey pines

Is a scary little creature

People keep searching to find

The Jersey Devil

The Jersey Devil

Have you ever seen

The Jersey Devil

Some people describe the creature

As having two horns on the head

And wings attached to its back

But none’s been found, alive or dead

Some who swear they’ve seen it

Say it has the face of the a Devil

Is the creature really pure evil

The Jersey Devil

The Jersey Devil

Have you ever seen

The Jersey Devil

The Devil has become a legend

In the deep dark Jersey pines

Even to this day and in these times

People keep searching to find

The Jersey Devil

The Jersey Devil

Have you ever seen

The Jersey Devil

Some Final Thoughts

There you have my first poem tour of my life in New Jersey. It has been an interesting ride so far adjusting to a new state and a new way of do things. Life in retirement community can be both enjoyable and a little to quiet. Well anyway. I hope you enjoyed the poems I look forward to writing more. As always if you have any ideas for new ones put them in the comments section. Well until the next time stay safe and try to smile each day.

© 2020 Timothy Whitt


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