Psychological Thriller: A Poem
Monsters in my head
Monsters Rigged the Contest
Psychological Thriller: A Poem
Imagine my state of mind
Trapped inside the barn
Rain tip tip tapping
Vampires using their
To tip tip tap out secrets on the barn roof tin
Morse code to the monsters
Storming through the woods, crossing creeks, breaking briars
Monsters disguised as saints and sinners
Determined to destroy me:
Their scapegoat
Their sacrificial lamb
Why me?
I am no one special
An easy target
Hiding in a barn
Keeping my thoughts
Close to my heart
Hiding from the monsters
Searching for me:
The one who stole their sacramental book
The rain has stopped
But I can’t leave
I know the monsters
Are out there
Storming through the woods, crossing creeks, breaking briars
They want their book back
Want it back in their possession
Invisible to the naked eyes
My eyes are no longer naked
I have their book
Infinite tales
Cruel moments
Innocence stolen
Will they get their book back?
They have power
Evil of the worst kind
Pretending to be your friend
Long enough
Long enough
To find your weakness
To find the best way to win
And those of us naturally trusting souls
Believing monsters
Are not really real
Just a presence under one’s bed
Not really there
Are their scapegoats
Their sacrificial lambs
This book I do not wish to possess
Seeks to possess me
Monsters rigged the contest
Made sure my slip of paper
Was stamped with blood
Sucked from me
When my back was turned
I glance at my watch
Careful to shade the pin size light
In fear the monsters will see me
Find me
Take their book back
This burden
Has challenged all that I am
I must out monster the monsters
Without becoming one of them
© 2013 ocfireflies