Questions & Thoughts....
Questions & b. Malin
We walk along the beach, ankle deep. I look across the vast Atlantic Ocean oh so deep. If I could walk straight across where would I be? My husband, "the answer man" replies, Africa, or Spain, which one will it be? Mmmm I think...I'm sorry my sister of many colors, but Africa for me, it would not be....with spiders and snakes....No, no, not for me. But Spain, that could be, if I could walk across the vast sea.
More Questions....
What happen's to me when I am no longer here....and do I fear? Am I a "light switch" to be turned off...and where do I go from where? I share my body with a "dead movie star." I resented her for entering "my soul" at birth. I can't prove it happened, but she and I know that it did. So when my "switch" goes "dim" does she leave my soul, or take us both, and wait for the right birth to live once more? Or is it now "my turn," and can "I" do that to another innocent soul.....
One more.....
Why do the good die young and the rest grow up to be politicians.....and the ones that promise us PEACE are the ones that start the WARS....and taxes never stop even when you're dead! But in spite of it all, I love this country most of all. We are a proud nation and may we always stand tall and defend our honor, and remember, sometimes the young die much too soon doing the work to save us all.