Well-trimmed verse
Entrusts itself
Unto your
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Of time
From Infinity’s spool
And loop and heap
In convolutions
On the floor of space
Beyond recall.
And though we sleep
And dream of Life,
We fail to use it up,
This fleeting
Ribbon of reality,
This Now,
This All.
_____© Nellieanna H. Hay
A life is like a song -
Existing only in the moment
Of its tune or breath,
A mere record on a journal page
A note upon a music sheet.
If there's no life,
There's no song,
Just mere artifacts, ~
Mere excrement
Of life that's done
Or un-begun.
Offer these not to me
In place of life.
I must live life,
Make music firsthand,
However fleetingly.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Strands of life
Interwoven loosely
Touching barely
Making contact
At right angles,
Making tangles
Here and there
Upon the square
Corners of the loom;
Making room,
The why of it escaping
Through the mesh,
Unnoticed by
The weaver.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
I make no gods.
Creator is creating
From within
And has no name.
Light defies analysis
Because it travels not
In time or space.
Though leaves its trace.
Its outward
And its inward
Are the same.
___© Nellieanna H. Hay
Once children
In a magic garden were we,
Glorying in our
New-found ecstasy;
Now, grown are we,
Outgrown love's first blush,
And in a rush
To build our brand new world
In another - distant - galaxy.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Your bequest to me
Is the muted brilliance
Of your shadow,
Rippling 'cross
My everyday,
Casting shadowy phantoms
Of its depths
Along the way,
Highlighting shimmering
Pools of mine,
Where even words
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Need I aver
How much
You please me
Just being You-nique?
Need I explain
The surge of joy
You activate with words,
So beautifully distinct?
Need I confide
The stirring of this heart
At your very presence, name,
Knowing it's reciprocal?
Need I define
The certainty of being
Kindred spirits - when
Recognition is unequivocal?
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
© 2011 Nellieanna Hay