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Rate My Pain
Rate your pain
On a scale of zero to 10!
How do you feel?
Where do YOU hurt?
Is it your head,
your stomach?
What happens if I do this?
Does this make it better or worse?
Receive “amount [I] pay” statement
From insurance cops
For one night stay in hospital
Insurance Cops claim I owe over $2,000-They’ve paid over $7,000!
Rate my pain
On a scale of freaking out to refluxing acid
Thoughts and feelings
What good am I?
If I cost more than I am worth
An irony for sure
Not that I am saying
Anything I didn’t already know
I have trouble with
Somehow -Somebody-
Has decided
I am no different from A machine:
A set of parts In total dismay
How Real is My Pain?
Is it all in my head?
Or did I fall
When I opened the door to the shed?
Spring! Spring! Spring!
Skies Carolina Blue
Get outside
Put on tank dress and wader boots
Mow the lawn
But by all means
“Curb your enthusiasm!”
There could be danger
There could be a sawhorse in the way
How real is my pain?
I don’t know
I am not sure I am even alive
I am lying on the ground
Looking up at the sky
Not sure how to move-Thinking I am the only person I know
who has ever hit the ground this hard
when all she wanted to do
was feel the sunshine on her shoulders
while mowing her yard
Forecasting snow while I dream of Spring
© 2015 ocfireflies