Once Redeemed By An Angel
Republishing "Redeemed by an Angel: My Tribute To Nellieanna" (by her beloved stepson, Michael)
A messenger of God? A gift from God? I believe in angels. I know there are skeptics out there. They don't believe in angels; they don't believe in God. Some believe they are God. Others don't even believe in themselves. I personally tend to be skeptical about skeptics, even though that makes me one. So be it.
I first met Nellieanna a quarter of a century ago. My mother had recently died, and it was a family business meeting rather than a joyful gathering. Didn't have those in my family. I don't remember much about the occasion except its awkwardness and that it was the last time I ever saw my father. Two decades later was the next time I saw Nellieanna, at my dad's funeral. During that twenty years, he had learned to believe in angels.
I suppose God can send angels in any form He chooses: a stranger, a dream, a kitty. I don't think I believed in angels back then; probably didn't have an opinion. An angel can also assume the guise of what appeared to me as a frail, old woman. Of course first, or in this case, second impressions actually aren't always the best. Little did I know I was gazing upon a pillar of strength, health, and vitality. When she put her right arm around me and never let go, the scales fell from my eyes and I was able to behold an object of beauty to be treasured beyond all riches.
Saying you have been touched by an angel may certainly sound trite, but until it happens to you, the experience is incomprehensible. After it happens, you are never the same; you will become a better person as a result. It is one of those magical, mysterious things that happen all too rarely, but you never forget. It brings resurrection to the dead, seeing to the blind, hope to the despairing, joy to the depressed. In that moment, a miracle has taken place.There was no logical reason why someone in her situation should welcome, accept, like, much less love me. Except that is Nellieanna's true nature. I had rejected her and her husband for the entire span of their marriage. I had gone as far as to tell her husband that i hated him. Yet after his passing, she still put her arm around me and never let go. She welcomed me as her own prodigal.
Nellieanna became my best friend, my mentor, my mother of choice. She helped me believe that my dad loved me; my hatred melted. In my darkest hours, she sheds light, she speaks of hope, she gives love without condition. She in turn teaches me how to receive that love and give it in return; I become able to accept and love myself. She generously shares from her vessels of wisdom and kindness. She has encouraged and helped me believe that I am special, as have all who have been graced by her presence.She is my mom.
Messenger of God? Gift of God? Whatever. As for me, i believe in angels!