Remember Kids From The Other Side
When the golden sunset
Sets over the amber hills of California
And when the moon shines bright over New York skyscrapers
And all the world stands still in Europe
Remember kids from the other side,
far to the east
who ran in amok not to the snack bar
but to the nearest digs under drones attacks
When the trees began their budding.
And larks sit singing in the hedge;
Sweet perfumes scent the balmy air,
Remember kids in Syria,under iron fist
Cant chase butterflies or
Climb trees
Only bullets and bombs the daily bread,hymns of heaven
Shrieking and stinking the fresh air
But when the storm clouds come
And thunder rolls
When the temperature downwards subzero
Streets evacuated
Dont piss it off
Thank God for having a shelter,
a family as well as friends .