Revolving Door
This poem depicts a sense of a brief fleeting encounter, but one having deeper effects and connections. It was written about a specific experience, but one which occurs more often than just that one time.
We may feel we missed knowing someone we met only briefly, but perhaps there is often a lasting effect, either going one way or both, - a bit like a revolving door, in which one can see and behold the other person through the glass panels separating you, as he or she passes through the door going the other direction, but one has no further opportunity to make an attachment, though perhaps there could be a temptation. -
One may be tempted to go back through the other direction oneself and see if there was more connection. Then one may become aware that any connection sensed was merely iimaginary, though it can be memorable, just the same.
Do you ever wonder why, out of all the multitudes of people on the planet at the same time one is here, the actual number we get to know are often so few? Doesn't it seem a little odd that there might be others who would "click" with us who are never even seen or recognized, if they happen to pass in a crowd? What is it, one wonders, that limits us so?
Oh, of course - the internet has broken many of the earlier limitations down - but of those we know here, still, how few we really get a chance - or take a chance - to really know. Are we a little scared? Perhaps, or we may be too wrapped up in our own subjective cucoons to really peek beyond them - and risk needing to expand them more!
But what IS that all about, Alfie, as the song says?
(Thank you Burt Bacharach and Hal David!)
This video is lengthy, but well worth it.
Revolving Door
You seemed to be a door
Appearing - suddenly,
Unlike all other doors
Or any that would be.
Cautious, careful, curious
Was my approach,
Wondering if I should,
If it is good
To try the latch.
Then swiftly,
Unexpectedly -
The other side!
Amazed, I gaze around,
I glance behind me.
There is no door!
There is no you!
I am alone!
Was I the door
That you passed through,
The other way?If so,
Perhaps it helped you, too.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
You are
Worth your wait
In treasures
Of the heart.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Have a way
Of saying ‘we’
That makes it sound like fun!
_____© Nellieanna H. Hay
All written material is original and coyrighted by Nellieanna Hay. All graphic material is copyrighted by Nellieanna Hay, created and designed using Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.