Romantic Love Poem: My Fantasy
You asked me to tell you my greatest fantasy
It's not what you might initially expect
I'm not hot and heavy under the sheets
Hopping from one woman to the next
I'm not out
On a 50 state tour
Going from city to city
Looking for my next score
No my dear
If you really want to know
My fantasy
Is so much more
My elusive fantasy
Really has my soul torn
Cause its more like a love story
Then some cheap porn
It's about loving someone to new heights
And shedding a tear
Letting out emotions
I've always been taught to fear
Leaving my self completely open
Completely vulnerable and exposed
Not knowing if the door I want to walk through
Will be open or closed
Putting my self out on a limb
And hoping my biggest gamble pays
Instead of being a love sick fool
Lost in a daze
If you really want to know my fantasy
I'll tell it to you like this
It starts with the perfect girl
And it ends with the perfect kiss