Rose Forever
To Lovers of Rosebuds
Do not grab a rosebud;
Thorns await impatience.
The rose
Its petals
As it will.
You can prompt it not.
If you try to capture it,
The only play of colors
You'll achieve
Are the rips and tears
In your own hands.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Do roses wait to bloom
When buds outgrow
Their casings
Then wait until tomorrow,
To disappear?
When is that? And where?
It is not here.
I've not been there.
Have you?
Perhaps someday
We'll find a magic land
Where tomorrow
No longer hides away in future
Nor roses' blooms shrink back
In winter.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Dewy Petals
Ah! Dewy petals
Wrapt 'round
Inner bud,
Waiting to start,
To burst
Into a fragrant
To grace
Its place
And tell
Its tale of hope
To parched
Awaiting hearts
In need.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
The Importance of the Rose
Does A Rose
Does a rose
Feel these sensations
As it unfolds,
Peeling off the petals
One by one,
Letting them
And fade
And finally fall away?
Does it feel like minutes
Or eternities?
Does Time escape
And rape
Away its life?
Is it given gracefully –
In love?
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Champion of champions!
Converting thickened clouds
To dancing beams
Of glorious light,
Aerating musky parts
Again to freshness
Convincing doubtful hearts
That they can smile,
Directing streams
That they can flow and sparkle,
One more time
To nourish poets' dreams
Of peace.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
To think of spontaneity
Is to obstruct it.
To remember it
Is to undo it.
It is pure experience,
Sufficient in itself.
To live spontaneously
Must happen
Every moment.
Perhaps it is
The real eternity.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay