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Rosemary Sutcliff Review

Updated on January 7, 2025
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The Lantern Bearers

Rosemary Sutcliff was born on the 14th of December 1920 and on the 23rd of July 1992.

An English novelist for children’s books.

Myths and legends storytelling were her best type of stories.

A skilled writer who not only entertained children but adults too.

Some of her books were for adults, only, but her best-known books were for children. The Trilogy of books intrigued many readers around the world.

If you enjoy historical fiction books about Roman Britain, you will enjoy books from Rosemary Sutcliff.

The quality of their writing impressed readers and gave Rosemary Sutcliff the ability to write beautifully for an audience and the many books created in such a creative manner.

Books from this author bring on a different emotion when reading her books. It is something you have not felt in your lifetime.

The characters in Lantern Bearers give you mixed emotions. You would want to lay your hands on another book by Rosemary Sutcliff.

A story that entails, light, hope, life, to heal from darkness and pain of despair, and tragedy in that life.

A gripping story from Lantern Bearers that tells you the hardship of a man’s life being torn apart and ripped off the layers in his life.

This family lost and during oppression, all life was taken and overcame the darkness with forgiveness this includes a lifetime of hate and bitterness in a man’s life.

Lantern Bearers stand out for me given the tragedy and darkness that fell because of that it makes us see the light from other sides of this story. The characters in Lantern Bearers make this book beautiful and compelling to readers.

Aquila fits this journey with a raw and fascinating life that describes him as a powerful being.

Aquila is a happy person before tragedy strikes and to read about how cheerful he is affectionate, and love in his life.

A story that tells you later of his unhappy dark life shows he changed to the opposite of what he was, is heartbreaking and a dark journey to bring to one’s mind.

While many books of historical fiction are being reissued, many fine books, such as Rosemary Sutcliff’s books about early Britain, have been allowed to go out of print in the United States of America.

Except for the increase in the number of titles about the Holocaust, there are fewer books of historical fiction about other lands.

This is a loss in a world in which people are becoming independent.

One needs to know their land of history, and the history of other countries. The problem can be solved through internet bookstores.

In such ways, one can improve their knowledge of the United Kingdom it is almost impossible to find information about the United Kingdom in the United States of America.

Rosemary Sutcliff born in Surrey wrote several books and shared insights of historical novels of Roman Britain. In 1959 Rosemary Sutcliff wrote her finest story titled The Lantern Bearers

A story told to perfection and had won the Carnegie Medal. King Arthur and Robinhood were great attractions to Rosemary Sutcliff as a child.

She strongly felt these stories had a hold on her creative mind.

Rosemary was fascinated with the idea of retelling stories. Sutcliff had an interest in archaeology from a young age.

Chrétien de Troyes, the Mabinogion, has been part of her life and Gereint and Enid were some of her best Arthurian stories.

The determined Rosemary did not read novels that portrayed Arthur as a Dark Age leader before researching the book.

It was an extraordinary experience writing and took her eighteen months to write and to feel the kind of person in this book.

For eighteen months the author’s character as a man felt odd and afterwards to feel a woman again. The whole time in the book she is loved as a man and feels deep male views and the book works in this form.

The relationship between Sword at Sunset and the Lantern Bearers was part of the same story.

A children’s book The Lantern Bearers and Sword at Sunset is an adult book. The novel The Lantern Bearers was finished a few days earlier before the Sword at Sunset started.

The eyes of Aquila in the novel The Lantern Bearers, and Arthur in Sword at Sunset connect this part of the story.

Both characters have connected parts of these stories. Eagle of the ninth was written by Rosemary Sutcliff and the character Marcus from this novel is the favourite of Rosemary Sutcliff.

As difficult as this character is here, she was fond of him. Dream in Warrior Scarlet is the other favourite character.

Roman Britain is the happiest time for Rosemary Sutcliff.

Religion to Rosemary has a stranglehold on life so she couldn’t write about it instead focused on what she could write about.

The earlier Bronze Age has been a better time for Rosemary Sutcliff.

Dark Ages fascinated the author.

Rosemary Sutcliff, the writer not a historian, would write a better story than to choose historical accuracy.

In Sword at Sunset, the writer focused on getting back to historical roots.

Rosemary Sutcliff had an interest in the healing art. Her family didn’t like the idea of a woman doctor. However, the writer felt strongly about being a doctor as you would read a lot of doctoring her books.

It did not occur to the writer that doctoring is not for her, so she included the character in her books.

Rosemary used the character of a soldier, not because she was fond of soldiers, she encountered these battles in her life that she never understood.

The urge to write about a character instantly takes her mind to a soldier, a figure that never seems to slip her mind.

A storyteller who chose to write works of fiction and has retold many stories of important legends.

These stories were right to the author and she belonged to minstrelsy.

Rosemary Sutcliff's Novels


Britain Tales


Rosemary an English Novelist

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Devika Primić


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