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Updated on July 3, 2011


It's Summertime, that lazy time. That time of the year that most kids Love...They can do ANYTHING out doors, swim, play, run...Let their Imaginations run Wild. This story is NOt about them...It's about those OTHER kids, the ones that Invented the "Luxuries" that we all take for granted today as well as some of our History.

Now I'm picturing their Mother's, the Women behind these great Inventors, and what it might have been like for them to raise a child that would become an Inventor. Did these Mother's understand their Child? And were they Encouraging as well as Supportive? Let's Eavesdrop into their lives and see how it really was...or how I imagine it was.

"Thomas Alva Edison what are you doing inside on this Hot July Day"? "I'm thinking about things that I can Invent Mother. Look here is my list, (1) Tin Foil Phonograph, a Light Bulb to see the Phonograph. And of course Electricity to go with it, as well as many other things". "Stop talking Foolish again Thomas and go out and play". By the age of 16, Thomas Alva Edison had left home, and the rest as they say, is History, as well as our Good Fortune.

"Alexander what's wrong"? "Oh Mother, I'm so bored...I keep wishing I were grown up and could Invent something...these two tin cans tied together gives me an idea...Get me two more cans and some string. Now Mother put your tin can up to your ear and listen while I talk to you through mine." "Why Alexander I can hear you"! his Mother said excitedly. At age 29 Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone...And All over the World people were thrilled. As well as his Mother, whom he could never get off the phone!

"Ben Franklin, go out and play...go Swimming. All your friends are down at the old swimming hole". his Mother said. "Oh Mother, I wish I had Swim Fins" he replied. "What?" she said. "Oh Never Mind Mother"...."Maybe I'll go Fly my Kite...can I borrow your Key"? "Forget it Ben, it looks like rain, I don't want you Flying that Kite in the rain, you could get struck by Lighting." "Don't worry Mother I'll be careful". Ben Franklin grew up and Invented, "Swim Fins", Bifocals, and The Lighting Rod and not to be forgotten,"The Wood Stove". He Also became a Statesman, and of Course signed "The Declaration of Independence". His Mother must have been very Proud of her "Crazy Kid"!

And What About The Girls of Summer...What Did They Invent. Are you Surprised? Well Don't be, for there were quite a few...

"Helen, Helen, what are you doing up in the Attic, it's so hot up there...come out back and have some cool lemonade under the shady trees". "I'll be down in a moment Mother, I'm trying to sew a dress to wear for Church on Sunday"..."There's gotta to be an easier method." she sighed. Helen Blanchad, went on to Invent the "Zig Zag Sewing Machine"! It gave other Women a chance to be "Creative" in their dress style!

"Ruthie, it's too Hot in the kitchen for baking today...let's go visit one of the Relatives". "Oh Mother do I have know how I enjoy being in the Kitchen". "Well alright, just don't burn the house down" her Mother replied as she exited. Ruth Wakefield went on to Invent the First Chocolate Chip Cookie! Mmmm!

"Marion Donovan, you do Enjoy playing with your Dollies" her Mother said. "Yes, Mother I do, I cut this old sheet you gave me and I pretend it's a Diaper"..." But there's got to be a better way"..."That's clever dear, Now go play with your Dollies on the front porch get some Fresh air, it's such a beautiful day". "Yes, Mother" she said as she continued to say to herself, there's got to be a better method. Marion Donovan went on to Invent, The "Disposable Diaper". And weren't we Mothers Grateful!

So the Moral of this Hub is, If you've got a Kid that doesn't do the Norm...Not to worry, for you may have the Next Inventor of Something Wonderful right under your Nose...So before you tell him or her..."It's Summertime, go out and Play"...Maybe you should take your own advise and "Go out at Play" and Leave them to Invent their Dreams!


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