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Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - My Review of the Book

Updated on February 5, 2020
Stormy1990 profile image

I like to read and write reviews. Here are my thoughts on the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

Although this book has been been sitting untouched in my kindle archives for quite some time, I recently decided to take the teachings of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind into action. I did this for two reasons. The first reason is obviously because I wanted to to make more money! I admit that I am not where I want to be financially.

How much money I earn I am to embarrassed to tell, and in fact, it really isn't what you came to this hub to find out in the first place! You probably clicked to this hub to find out what this book is all about and whether or not you want to try it out for yourself. This is also my number two reason for writing about my personal experience with Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Is there any better way to write an honest book review than to try it out for yourself?

Identifying my Financial Blueprint

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind consists of two parts. The first part is all about how the subconscious mind is your “financial blueprint” and controls your financial success throughout your entire life. T. Harv Eker's basic philosophy is that in order to become a millionaire, you must first think like one. This book then says that a person's past is what shapes his financial blueprint. The first step to changing your financial blueprint is to look back in the past and identify what may have influenced your subconscious so that you do the things you do.

I have decided that probably the single most influential experience of my past was that I didn't really have any real responsibilities or chores. In fact, all I did in those young years was anything I jolly-well pleased! (excuse the cliché) Nowadays, I can't really get everything that I want to get done in a day because I tend to procrastinate until it's to late. Then I can only do the things that needs my immediate attention.

Changing my Financial Blueprint

It is very easy to see the connection between the past and present in this example. This by no means should be used as an excuse for not being successful. To change your financial future it is imperative to first change that ugly financial blueprint of yours. This is the purpose of the second part of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, which contains 17 different wealth files. These wealth files are for replacing your old mental blueprint with a new one. T. Harv Eker explains that in order to do this one must replace the “bad money files” in your “mental filing cabinet” with money files that millionaires tend to have. The following is a list of the 17 wealth files.

The 17 Wealth Files


The Wealth Files I Studied the Most

In order to address my weakness I mentioned above, I studied the 3rd, 9th and 16th wealth files. I read through the others also but the main ones I studied to address procrastination were these four. The 3rd one is important to me because if I am truly committed to creating more wealth, I won't want to do anything else! The 9th one is essential because the main reason people procrastinate is because they are to lazy to overcome their problems and difficulties in life. This is also the reason I studied the 16th wealth file a little more in-depth. To overcome or get something accomplished in life one must act in spite of fear or any other emotion that gets in the way.

At the end of each “wealth file chapter,” there is a declaration for which to declare to yourself every day and night. This helps “declare” to your subconscious mind that you want to follow a certain wealth file or principle. There is also at the end of each chapter a “millionaire mind actions” section that contains exercises to help you along with that particular wealth file.

For example, the first wealth file's declaration is “I create the exact level of my financial success!” This is a definite statement that tells your mind that this is how you will think from now on. The Millionaire Mind Actions section suggests that every time you catch yourself saying anything negative about your situation pertaining to money, you are supposed to slide your finger across your throat to remind yourself that what you are really doing by saying these things is cutting your financial throat.

In Conclusion...

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind in my opinion is a very powerful book for anyone who wants to learn how to master the inner game of wealth. T. Harv Eker did a tremendously great job of explaining in everyday-language how the mind controls the majority of our lives financially. I truly believe this is an excellent read for anyone who wants to gain control of their financial life instead of letting it control them.
5 stars for Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

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