Seek Ye My Face (Poem)
Seek and Find
Heavenly Father, O Adonai,
Consider, listen and regard me
Your child, and servant,
As I call out and pray aloud
I ask that You would favor my petition,
And be mindful, and graciously
Grant and respond to my request,
You require and counsel
To search after You,
By prayer and in worship,
To desire and seek for Your favor,
Your grace and unmerited kindness
To desire Your countenance, and
All of the features, and expressions
Indicative of Your presence,
My emotions, will, and
Even my intellect, are raised, and
I agree with Your request,
My heart answers back,
Your presence Holy Father will
I move towards, and I will do
What You have requested of me,
I will seek Your face and I will find You
As I search for You with all of my heart
As Your Word has promised.