PeekABoo - Sitting, Thinking on a Step - and Other Poems About My Grandsons!
Sitting, Thinking on a Step
sitting, thinking on the step
watching the ants go by
wondering why they hurry so
watching the birds in the sky
sitting, thinking on the step
watching the puppies play
seeing the squirrel in the tree
on this wonderful bright day
sitting, thinking on the step
watching the cars go by
one will bring my daddy home
i think with a wishful sigh
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Quiet Place To Hide
A quiet place to hide
Away from worried eyes
Away from all the questions
Away from all the cries
Sitting in the dark
Hiding from the stares
Keeping away from others
Knowing somebody cares
Hiding all alone
Away from all the noise
Tucked away where no one sees
Next to my most loved toys
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A Papa's Love
My papa really loves me
No matter what I do
He always wants to hug me
And play some peek-a-boo
My Papa loves me so much
He likes to run and play
He also likes to hold me
He says I make his day
My Papa really loves me
He is my one best friend
He will love me no matter what
He will be with me ‘til the end
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Watch out flying dragons
Sir Miles is here to fight
My sword by my side
To make all wrongs right
I’m here to save the dinosaurs
Yep, you heard what I said!
Dragons want to fight dinosaurs
At least under my bed
So watch out all you dragons
Stay away from my wild things
I don’t want to use my sword
To take off all your wings
Beware all you dragons
I know you are all affright
I will fight you more tomorrow
Mommy says I have to say goodnight!
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