Spread a Smile, Create an Epidemic
What's in a Smile
We stand out in a crowd when we smile. By smiling, we can reduce our stress levels, and therefore, improve our general health. We can even appear more attractive when we smile. Furthermore, frowns, scowls, and grimaces often turn people off pushing them away, while a simple smile will draw them right in.
Change your mood with a smile
Studies have shown that by forcing ourselves to smile we are tricking or outwitting our body into believing that everything is fine, thereby, reducing our stress levels and pretty soon we will be smiling for real.
Smiles are accepted worldwide as a sign of happiness or joy; some may appear more genuine than others. However, for most of us, it is instinctive, a positive stimulus that can affect our mood. Not only will smiling change our mood, but it can also positively affect the moods of others.
Smiling is contagious, it spreads easily like a chain reaction. One smile leads to another, and soon we have an epidemic.
Smile boost the Immune System, we can improve the function of the immune system by smiling; this may be because we are more relaxed when we smile. When we boost our immune system we also reduce episodes of colds and flu.
Smiling can lower your Blood Pressure. Research shows that there is a measurable reduction in blood pressure when we smile. This one can be put to the test, whoever, to do so will require a blood pressure monitor.
Sit for a few minutes, then take a blood pressure reading. Smile for one minute, take a second reading, keep smiling. Check the difference.
Smile, a natural painkiller, most people are aware of the happy feeling of euphoria experienced after strenuous exercise, sex or listening to a favourite piece of music, but not many of us know that we can also get a happy hormone rush when we smile.
Research has shown that smiling releases endorphins (a natural painkiller) and serotonin into the bloodstream. The combined actions of these hormones help to make us feel good, giving us a natural high when we smile.
Smile for a younger look, the muscles we use when we smile also lift the face, giving us a younger look. So why not put that expensive facelift on hold and just keep smiling, soon you'll be feeling better and looking so much younger.
Smile for success, it is believed that people who smile appear more confident, they are easier to approach and are much more likely to be promoted.
Smile to stay positive, Try this test: Smile; While smiling, try to think of something sad or negative without losing your smile. Not easy, is it?
Keep right on smiling. Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.
Make a Wave Spread a Smile
Hunted by grief, loneliness etched her face
On she trudge; each step harder than before
A sympathetic stranger smiled hello
In the ancient face once set in stone
Eyes sparkle and a warm wave begins to spread
Muted commuters riding the early train,
Heads hung low, avoiding all human contact
The morning paper their unbreachable wall
Shattered by the giggle of a little girl
Eyes sparkle and a warm wave begins to spread
His boss on his back cannot do right for wrong
So harassed and torn, he wears a constant frown
But at the end of day when his work is done
Immersed in the warmth of his lover's sweet smile
Eyes sparkle and a warm wave begins to spread
She was the perfect pearl, selfless and giving
Then Alzheimer's struck in the cruelest way
Her essence lost as her memories fade away
But the ghost of her lover lit her grandson's smile,
Eyes sparkle and a warm wave begins to spread
A chain reaction all over the world
Infectious; it spreads, so just pass it on
Quirky, enigmatic, crooked or wide
It will ignite on contact heart to heart
Feel the sparkle as warm wave begins to spread
Some Limericks By Tobusiness to Make you Smile
What a Gas!!
Handsome Jack!
The Geek's Big Dongle
After the Party
All I want for Christmas
The friendly trouser Snake
Jock's Blessings
Sam's Truncheon