So This Is Just A Cooling Off Time!!
Cooling Off Time
Cooling Off Time
How miserable I felt
To see the crumpled face.
She turned still further
From my gaze.
My dogs, they pulled to her,
As if in sympathy,
One even held a paw
Which made her smile!
She stroked his fur.
In her sad moment.
That sadness then
Did pass to me.

Just A Cooling Off Time !
I was walking with my Dogs at night,
I saw a girl of twenty still sitting on the wall
She seemed upset didn't look quite right,
I think she might have had a cry..
I carried on strolled awhile in the park,
Forgot about that sad young girl.
Peregrine lingering, caused my dogs to bark.
On my return I saw her,in the night,
Night now dark, then long legs unfurl.
Sitting in the garage forecourt
on the old brick wall.
Drivers and Bikers ,staring ,uncaring.
Then riding off in the dark.
One yelled a really mean remark!
I looked to see long hair, with curl,
had dampened tears from her eye.
Now heard her heavy sigh,
saw a sad unhappy sight.
No other sight as sad,
none at all.
Just then the moon came out,
it shined and hit her face.
A face so damp with misery.
I touched her arm, and how the tears did fall.
I asked if I could help, Would she be okay.
She gave a sort of smile, a kind of call.
Then said to me 'I've sobbed so much today,
We had a fight, my man and me, a brawl'
She smiled
'So this is just a cooling off time,' I did say.
She smiled, and said 'yes, that's all.
'That's all' she said, and went happily on her way.......
. We all need that quiet time, I do recall. I say..........
© 2012 jandee