Aware of Existence
Today I don't want to live for, I want to live ----Hugh Prather
The more you know yourself through awareness of what you are thinking, what you are feeling, the more you will discover the truth of what is ; and it is this truth that will help you to be free.-- J. Krishnamurti
Aware of Existence
Life is a wonderful music
Gifted to us to hear with love
And calm the mind
To ask what is life
Is to face who asks
And know it by itself
The purpose of life is
To live it.
Earth is a mother to all
Who bears with evil or good
Loves what clings to it's bosom
Shelter to all, refuses to none
And takes everything back
To her mammoth heart
The purpose of earth is
To hug all.
Sun is a candle in the heavens
Who brightens opaque and dark
Touches the sear and the tower
He never wavers on his way
Brings dulcet dawns ever
Sends light to lives
The purpose of sun is
To burn up till the end.
Moon is a beloved in the sky
Who waxes desires in the mind
And sees guys waned day by day
How she incites lovers
To go mad in love
Suffer on the way
The purpose of moon is
To play with hearts.
Mind is a hope to itself
Who goes on dreaming endless
To persuade, perplex and bewilder
How the mind plays games
Of love, abyss and bliss
Weaves ethereal webs
The purpose of mind is
To cast illusion.
Man is a mystery to himself
Who mirrors him in the mind
Cajoles him in the heart
Replicates him in the soul
Like a bubble in a puddle
He appears and goes
The purpose of man is
To free himself.