My Mad World
Am I me today, or am I?
There comes a time in our lives when we just don't feel like we fit in with the crowd, like an onlooker or stranger, perhaps....or we feel like we are on the outside, looking in. Or we feel like our clothes are five sizes too big.
Everyone gets a little lonely and awkward at times. But it's ok.
Go through the feelings and know that life is a rollercoaster and your ups will soon come again.
There are days...
Loneliness, Sadness, Indifference
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Sometimes I feel like
I'm on the outside looking in &
Everything and everyone
Will casually go on
If I ceased to exist.
Sometimes I feel like
I've made no difference in the world
Even to myself. Sometimes
I feel like all the world drops dead.
Sometimes I feel like screaming,
But, nobody will hear me.
I could stand in the middle of a
Crowded street and they would all
Just walk right past me.
Those are the days
That I feel completely insane.
Those are the days
That I am.
Mad World
How do you feel today?

© 2011 Helen Kramer