Stay True, My Good and Faithful Servant
Stay True, My Good and Faithful Servant
Oh Grandfather, have I been true and faithful,
As I raced to save my friend who was on fire?
Though he cried, I smothered flames, to help,
Was a comforter, assured him Christ was there.
A young girl whose car had rolled, tried to save,
Then Helping her escape the smoldering scene.
Waited with her until attendants had then come,
There kept her safe, as on my arms she did lean.
Tried to join the Navy as my uncle, pop had done,
The old chief had told me “I see that scar, my son.”
“Get your behind on that bus and go back to school,
Don’t need no war, be glad you’re home, just run!”
Became a teacher of handicapped children in need,
Made them all a classroom of boy scouts at school.
Took them camping, about first aid, how to be safe,
As they learned important academics, of every rule.
One student saved another’s life, awarded a medal,
Others got to do things, so much beyond compare.
Wearing their scout uniforms, in taking great pride,
Experiencing many good things, each one did share.
Though I had a terrible brain tumor, I did persevere,
Went on to accomplish a Six-year degree in college.
Weathered the worst my life had to offer back then,
Helping to raise my children, my greatest privilege.
Helped save an older man who had fallen, by dogs,
And later on, as I did this same chore all over again.
Gave a lady in need a warm blanket until help came,
Our neighborhood, where everyone was a friend.
Grandfather, I’m in my older days, long in the tooth,
Have I been good and a faithful servant, the truth?
I know you’ve watched me there, at Heaven’s Gate,
Will the Lord God receive me now, what is my fate?
Will my Father whose in Heaven, receive me now,
Have my days in the world, been those of worth?
May I now join you there and all my family, at last,
As we’ve left our very best behind upon this earth?
Have I made my parents proud and done my best,
Both were wonderful examples, they were the best?
I’ve tried at every turn, always did follow their lead,
Careful in how I’ve behaved, for I was so blessed!.
I do long to hear those words spoken by the Lord,
“Well done, my good and faithful servant, my son,
You have been a very finest blessing in this world,
Join us now in Heaven, as angels sing, well done.”