Strange and Funny Headlines: April, 2014
Welcome to the latest installment of Strange and Funny Headlines. These newspaper headlines are gathered from various sources around the nation, and presented for entertainment purposes only. While I do not vouch for the validity of the stories in every item, I do find them humorous and hope you will enjoy them in the context they are presented.
This first headline is one from my local region. As I rather feel the arrested woman's family must already be embarrassed enough, I clipped it without identifying her.
This next headline comes from another part of the country about something that happened in another part of the world..or hell, if you prefer.
This old headline underscores the creative genius of suicidal criminals..
A bottle of wine, a nice dinner of oysters and a subscription to Adam & Eve and I see this problem fixed pronto!
And here I didn't even know Val Kilmer was pregnant!
I don't know about you, but this medical "re-discovery" just reaffirms all my warm, fuzzy feelings about ObamaCare.
This is EXACTLY why I feel beer is the only acceptable treat to give fundamentalists at Easter time.
All you haters out there - SEE? The First Lady IS adorable!!
Sshhh - not a word to Fat Bastard! It'll spoil his diet!
I'm not sure which is more galling - the story itself, or the name of the rag it appeared in.
Ok, I thought it was OUR house, but if Oprah says different it must be(?) true.
Unfortunately, this news story doesn't ask the most pertinent question on the minds of women in the community: where did he put the handcuffs?
This headline story proves that the educational system is only as strong as the weakest link..or in this case, only as strong as the most grammatically challenged.
I'm SO looking forward to the face off next week between this team and the Castle Rock Demons!
Yeah well, what can you expect from a Disney-owned network?
The moral of this story? Always wrap your dog in no-slip buns!
This Hub ©April 24, 2014 by Beth Perry