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Stuck In Metaphoria

Updated on August 29, 2012

psychedelic euphoric poetic metaphor-ic

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Something I just noticed about myself...

Poetry makes Mythbuster drop words (lose vocabulary function), lose time, forget language...

Strange... like a euphoria over metaphor content and concepts.

Does this happen to anyone else?

Although I often "get it" on a certain level, when I read poetry, my mind is transported somewhere else on levels of consideration that require out of the box thinking... I suppose what happens when I try and come back to comment on a poetic content hub is that my mind hasn't yet gotten back in the box, so-to-speak...

Trippy Metaphor Trip

I'll show you what I mean or will try to explain... here's a poem I found by an author who has a blog online and allows people to use his poems:

A Lover's Fling

Night comes to the meadow.
Two lovers entwined in the shadows.
A soft rain begins.
Bringing tingles to the skin.
The air is fresh.
Lovers fest.
A night bird sings.
Bells in the heart ring.
A lover's fling.
Sweet love is the cream.

- Written by: Lamar Cole

This poem can be used for free as long as the name of the author is included and the author is given credit.
If the poem is published online, please include a link to this post.

A Lover's Fling by Lamar Cole

Now here's a mythbuster's-mind-view of this poem:

First line: Night comes to the meadow.

MB Mind-View: thinking of images here... meadow, in the darkness, probably moon-light so I can see a lot of details in the meadow, grasses wavering rhythmically...on to the next line

Line: Two lovers entwined in the shadows

MB Mind-View: entwined brings to mind the idea of "complimentary" and "fitted close together" and this, to me, compliments grasses from the meadow, bending in unision, so the lovers will, therefore, also be in the shadows - moonlight enhancing the contrast between lighted areas and dark shadows... MB doesn't need much to go on for dramatic imagery in the mind...on to the next line

Line: A soft rain begins

MB Mind-View: Ah...excellent - one of my favourite things - rain... one of the best combinations of things, rain and moonlight/shadows, so my imagined vision of the scenario here has just progressed, sort of layered like adding paint on paint or if this were an orchestra, adding instruments...line by line... night-meadow plus shadows plus rain...on to the next line

Line: Bringing tingles to the skin

MB Mind-View...tingles evokes physical sensation... so far, a space (meadow), a visual (shadows), an audio (instruments...sound of rain) and now a physical sensation...tingles. A lot of imagery, audio-prompts and sensations going on here, huh? In all these details, the two lovers are mingled in, just as a floating concept, lightly bouncing off the flowing of human senses...on to the next line

Line: The air is fresh

MB Mind-View - Sensation count is close to complete... fresh is associated with breath and air, so smell comes to mind... a space, a visual, an audio (two lovers somewhere in here), a physical sensation and now smell of freshness... turning back on the suggestion of rain, so what is projected here from earlier real memories is the smell of earthiness, crispness of rain in the district where I live - a smell I really like...and as I look at the stanza above, I realize I am almost overwhelmed with progression of senses and am in the middle of the poem, so I break here for a moment to collect my thoughts, sensations...realizing that in "the air is fresh", combined with everything else, there is a possible spiritual reference either created by me or intended by the author's careful construction of layering suggestions to the human senses, one by one in the poem, line by line...on to the next line

Line: Lovers fest.

MB Mind-View: Well thank goodness those lovers finally showed back up again in a line of their own 'cos my mind was delegating them off to just some wispy unreal associated near-entities with no substance while the space, visuals, audio, physical and possible spiritual elements I assumed were present in this poem were completely taking over...

And at this time, because other sensations are already sparked, my mind more open to concepts, inflections and variations in things, the lovers seem more real, sweeter, more entwined, connected intimately with the space, visual, audio, physical, etc... it's lovers "fest" a celebration of love...on to the next line

Line: A night bird sings

MB Mind-View: a bird of the night, invisible by day, belonging in this shadowy, entwined lover space... the bird singing, adding a more concrete audio to be perceived in all of this...on to the next line

Line: Bells in the heart ring

MB Mind-View: bells...ring - more audio, the author is favouring audio projections and concepts here, easy for readers to "flow with," and the mention of "heart" keeps the mind on the, the entwined elements here...on to the next line

Line: A lover's fling

MB Mind-View: definite attention on the lovers now...almost a jolt BACK to focus on the lovers who have actually been here all the time, just not as the focal point of attention in the poem... a fling brings to mind definite intimate relations so the author probably wants the reader to assume a definite intercourse has or is taking place...amongst all the sense-details and "feel good" concepts thus far and continually displayed in the poem...if this line is about reference to sex, there is nothing, at this point, astonishing, shocking or improper here - only a fling, a pairing, mingling of two lovers "in the heart," surrounded by the audo of the bell, rain, bird - in the shadows, (bird hidden/invisible by day - lovers hidden in the shadows), fresh air, scent of rain, "Bringing tingles to the skin," entwined lovers in the meadow, grasses swaying, lovers swaying...on to the next line

Line (last): Sweet love is the cream

MB Mind-View: all lines, concepts, sensations culminating into "sweet," sweetness - love, and likely an obvious reference to the results of love-making - cream - but with no bad connotations. All in all, there is nothing but feel-good stuff here, and moreso - sweet lover entwined connections

Poetry reading - Metephors by Sylvia Plath

So if this were "YOUR" poem...

If the poem presented here were YOUR poem built into a hub - and after a little trip into the MB Mind-View - you can probably now understand why I leave the most LAME comments on poetry hubs...

I think my mind is caught up in metaphors plus euphoria (METAPHORIA) of imagery and sense information and I cannot think rationally for quite a while after giving DUE ATTENTION to poetry on hubpages... Believe me - I am "getting it." Just stuck in metaphoria and unable to connect my feelings back to the usual vocabulary that I use... (if I were allowed a preference and particular behavior, I would SPEAK POETRY all the time but someone would put me in the loony bin lol)...And I rarely skim over poetry on HP. If I end up on your poetry hub(s) I am generally on them for a while. I usually also never even bother to TRY to comment until about the third visit to your hub.

So if you ARE one of those who display a lot of poetry on your hubs and I do stop by, please forgive if I leave a comment such as:

"Just stopped by to let you know I'm reading"


"Wow...still thinking about this one"


"Nice...let me get back to you on this"

I am not trying to be a jerk and just slam down short comments and dash around to dozens of hubs and do the same... I am REALLY READING and spending time on your hubs!

I'm just trying to recover from metaphoria!


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