Sugar Walls
Sugar Walls
Where the dawn forgoes a new day, the night surrenders to misty eyes enticed by sugar walls that plant their humble seeds in the womb of Mother Earth; yet, the wind dances around naked trees who once feed off of soulful tears. Rewind these seductive visions. For I have many tales to tell of man's jaunted dreams. There once was a frog that leaped from lilypad to lilypad, consuming his treasured meal. The rains blanketed his somber body, and flooded the earth with his dwelling filled with fear. Seedy moons took on the task of soliciting his overflowing waters, to dance to traumatic rhythms that beat down upon marshy doors. Forever became a new song he played on his piper's pipe with care, but he never dared ice up his notes with sour grapes so fair.