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The Time Between - a Time Travel Adventure Book Synopsis

Updated on August 28, 2019
Nell Rose profile image

My latest book in a brand new series. When Geri finds herself in ancient Persia she has to try to find her way home. A Timetravel adventur

Time Travel

Before I introduce the book I would like to explain the story behind it. For many years I have been fascinated by time travel and physics. Growing up I loved looking at the Stars and staring through my brother's telescope.

As I got older my interest turned to physics. The tiny grains of matter that makes up the Universe. So I started to read. From H.G. Wells to Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

How everything is made up of these tiny little atoms is one of the worlds greatest mysteries, which have only been uncovered recently.

And the idea of the DNA link comes purely from my surprise results. Evidently I am English, Irish, Scottish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonia, Germany, Holland, (Jewish) Middle East, and a spot of Native American!

How? Well, my family all went off to Massachusetts and married!

Strangely enough, a lot is on my mother's side too.

So here we are.

My first Time travel novel in the series.

THE TIME BETWEEN subtitled From Here To There.

Copyright Nell Rose Loveridge
Copyright Nell Rose Loveridge

Synopsis of The Time Between.

Geraldine Fahy hates her dad constantly talking about his DNA test results. Of course, that wasn't so bad until he then discovered hundreds of people on a family tree that he was setting up.

Norwegian this and Irish that and, 'You'll never guess what I've found?'

And so on.

All Geri wanted to do was train for the county championships. She loved running. She had been the fastest girl in the school back in the day. Now at college full time, she had taken on a course of Sports Therapy to get her qualifications just in case she was injured and couldn't run anymore.

In fact, it was all so well planned she just knew she was going to be successful.

That was until her dad started driving her insane about their past.

Geri's mother had left them when Geri was ten years old. She just upped and walked out one day never to be seen again.

And then there was Sara her dad's new girlfriend. Weird wasn't the word, she was, well...strange.

Geri just wants to Run.

Girl runner athlete
Girl runner athlete

From Here To There

One day after listening to her father go on and on, she turned to him and yelled, 'for goodness sake dad, shut up!'

Afterwards, she felt so bad, but it was too late.

Fate was about to step in.

Waking up one morning she realized that something was wrong.

In fact, it was much more than that.

There, in front of her was a camel, and it was just about to dump on her head!

Trying to stand up she realized that instead of carpet, sand covered the ground.

'Oh hell!'

Geri's adventure was just starting.

With a man named Zurvan who she comes to love, and a pink diamond The Darya ye Noor, she finds her Persia ancestors, meets Darius the Great, then gets whisked away to Dark Ages Russia to come face to face with one of the most brutal leaders of all time, Batu Khan, grandson of Ghengis!

Then onto 17th Century Ireland and the witch trials.

With the help of the pink diamond, she may be able to get home.

But can she leave knowing she will never see Zurvan again?


Persian man desert wearing traditional clothes.
Persian man desert wearing traditional clothes.

Buy from Amazon Kindle:

The Time Between: USA UK

Also author of Gypsies! and The Edge of Midnight

A rather strange coincidence.......!

After publishing my book I was scrolling down the photos of Persian men for this article. Just for fun, I put the name Zurvan in Google to see if anything interesting would come up.

And boy was I surprised!

Evidently, Zurvan was a god of Time and Space in ancient Persia!

It seems that it was part of Zoroastrianism a religion before Islam.

I only chose the name because after looking from A to Z, I liked it the most.

It seems strange things happen when you write about Time!

© 2019 Nell Rose


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