He sits so casually~
Looking where we can not see~
The boy on the mirror~
He is older than he looks to be.
He sits above the mirror~
In a green velour stuffed chair~
While his brown velvet outfit~
Makes him seem so comfortable there.
Brunette curly locks in-case~
His milky pallid face~
He is so cute with a dab of a nose~
A perfect heart shaped lip closed.
Frilly white lace in-circles his neck~
The same frills decorate his wrist~
Brightening his hair as one hand~
Rest behind his perfect bent head.
The boy on the mirror~
With the nickered pants~
Looks so cozy and warm~
Wearing white knee high socks~
And loafer black shoes~
As his legs slightly crossed~
Dangle free and loose.
The mirror’s frame gives the boy~
His own bordered square~
As the reflective antique mirror~
Hazed grey now for its remaining days~
Never had the chance to emulate~
This boy’s restful state.
Silver wood is the frame this boy~
Is kept in~
Never has he had a chance to play or~
To ever Taste the bitterness of sin.
Illustrated there~
In a surrounding dark dismal room~
The boy has always sat at the top of the mirror~
In his chair~
Watching life walk by~
Seeing contentment and~
Some of life filled with gloom~
Most people walking by without care~
That the boy observes them as they loom there.
Always there hanging on the~
Dinning room wall~
On the thinned outlined mirror~
The boy has sat~
Watching life for more years than mine have past.
Does the boy I wonder now so mellowed with age~
Wished he could of partake with life as a soul~
Instead of watching it walk by and away~
Only taking what real people have doled for his days? ~
Or is he more happy~
Sitting in his comfortable chair~
For more than I have known years~
As a little charming boy at ease~
Demure and unaware doing as he pleased?
He sits so casually~
Looking where we can not see~
The boy on the mirror~
He is older than he looks to be.
He sits above the mirror~
In a green velour stuffed chair~
While his brown velvet outfit~
Makes him seem so comfortable there.
Lisa J. Warner
Lisa Luv