To me everyday~
My Dad died a little~
As he was ill~
While angels watched over him.
Everyday I grieved~
A little as I shared~
The last years of his life~
As the angels comforted~
Me and him through changes.
In those last years~
Of his life~
There were times I cried a little~
Yet calm of angels always stilled my sorrow.
Through those last years~
I mourned at certain times~
As woe was turned to heart filled console.
Last night I watched him fall asleep~
Into a peaceful silence~
Soothed I was as logical relief~
Relaxed my very being.
Last night I was comforted~
As the angels took him home~
Relieved I was~
His pain had ended as~
Angels filled peace within his room.
No tears were shed~
As he drifted into Heaven~
For long before I knew~
He was already there surrounded~
With a golden pure love light of home.
In memory of my father
Benjamin A. Warner
Lisa J. Warner
Lisa Luv
CopyRight2/05 /2013@LisaLuvLLC