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Updated on December 10, 2012



Remembrance? - Yes it's steady;

May it endure; -

Transitions, even more.

Each moment's gift, - a lure,

A window from which to soar,

Or a sill on which to rest.

Which is best?

I cannot say.

My bucket list's begun!

Why wait to start

When NOW's the time,

And now is mine already!

______© Nellieanna H. Hay

Timeline: September 9, 2012, Dallas

A few days ago It hit 105 degrees Fahrenheit. At 5:00 PM, it was still 103! But the transition which was forecast arrived on schedule that very night and, at midnight, it arrived. We used to call one of these a "blue norther" when temperature drops suddenly and dramatically. This one started relatively mildly with a mere drop of 20 degrees in daytime highs. Comparatively, that's like from mid summer to mid fall, daytime highs in the 80s falling below recent nightime lows!

This respite is forecast to last throughout the coming week, when thermometers will finally start to creep back up into the mid 90s! No more triple digits in sight!

Speaking of what's in sight, of course this transition goes much further and deeper than a few days! It previews my favorite season, Autumn! I say preview because even though there will be more hot days in September, by October, this balmy trend will become established, bringing the special features of Fall which I love so dearly. it will be like a Paradise after the Hadean Summer.

Equinox Sighting

I begin to notice

Lengthened shadows,

Leaves are begun

To shimmer and shake

Unsteadily on their limbs,

Begun to bare.

A certain ambience

Pervades the air ~

A presence, nowhere

Yet - everywhere.

A perfume of change,

Just out of range.

Breezes shift direction;

Squirrels sniff the air.

Their keen detection

Prompts to ready all

With prudent haste

And diligence, steady.

Distance fades upon the rims

Of Sun and Earth:

Equinox, - Sighted!

Time's divided equally,

Allowing full attendance

For the coming Fall.

______© Nellieanna H. Hay

bois d'arc in transition

My Bois D'Arc beginning to turn in preview Fall.
My Bois D'Arc beginning to turn in preview Fall. | Source

My earlier memories of this time of year, sometimes called Indian Summer, were less populated with turning autumn leaves than became part of my later experiences. From those semi-arid climates of youth, other associations attach. On an irrigated farm, Dad raised feed for livestock at the ranch; this time of year was harvest time. I've vivid memories of freshly cut alfalfa's fragrance wafting through cool air. Often a huge Indian Summer moon arose while he was still working. The memorable aroma's so vivid, I can literally mentally 'sniff' it still!

My Bois D'Arc later, when its leaves are nearly shed
My Bois D'Arc later, when its leaves are nearly shed | Source

transitions . . .

plans. . .


What plans?

Today's my plan!

It's where I am!

To live it fully,

To feel its every moment

Down to my toes

Is in my plan!

So when it goes

I'll always know

That I was here.

That I was whole.

______© Nellieanna H. Hay

collards in transition

Signs of fall in the garden:  fallen leaves among the collards.
Signs of fall in the garden: fallen leaves among the collards. | Source


Who dares invade,

Pervade my dream?

Uninvited, they.

"No way" - I say.

Yet there you are -

Invading, still.

And where am I?

Dare I fit in my dream -

Somewhere - my dear?

Of course I do.

Of course I will -

. . . Right here.

______© Nellieanna H. Hay

leaf collection

Gathered nearby on a lovely fall day.
Gathered nearby on a lovely fall day. | Source


How is it that subtle memories

Invade my dream,

Forecasting future promises?

Flashes of visions yet unknown

Loom on mind's misty screen,

As though known again.

It's as real as Reality, this scene.

How can that be, to begin?

Is there to be more?

______© Nellieanna H. Hay

Poetry on this page written 9-8-2012.

thinking of my George ~ it was his favorite season, too


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