TWO YEARS b. Malin
Twenty-Four Months...
So here I am, 24 months later and still on Hub Pages...I've written so many Hubs, this being my 175th one...and I haven't gone out of my Little Hubber MIND, Yet! I've learned a lot, like I've got a "Score", which can go from 96 to 85 in a FLASH. I started out as an "8", and thought, that was Great! Although, I never knew what it meant, until I was "Downgraded" to a "7"! Oh dear Heaven, a 7! Did it bother me? DUH, of course it did! I'm as vain, I'll admit it, as the next writer. Ok, fine, if you're NOT! Come on, Really? Anyway, I thought to myself, I'm still answering Everyone, I was, pardon the expression, "Hubbing Around a LOT", but NOT EVERYDAY. Because, Lots of Things were happening in my life. Am I making Excuses...You BET I AM! Of course on the Plus Side, I've seen a lot of my Hubs make it into the high 90's and an occasional 100! But I say, VERY, VERY HUMBLY, that it DOES NOT last very long! And maybe that's good, It keeps me on the "Writers Tract"...I can't believe I just said that! Ok, fine, I can see you ALL nodding in agreement.
The Friendships I have made on Hub Pages have been Wonderful. You Guys are the Best, you are like "Family"...Sometimes Better...I see you once again, Nodding in agreement. Yes, Family, we still love you...But there is something about a Hub Writer. I guess, we understand one another, and Enjoy reading each others Hubs and Commenting. Ah the Comments, they are Unique, sometimes, just short and sweet...Sometimes, Poignant, and even Beautiful. And a Vote of UP or across the Board, brings a Big Grin and a happy beat to our Little Hubber Heart! It is here that I will add a little advice to New Hubbers... In order to get new Followers, you must go and read and leave Comments on Hubs, and if you like their Hubs, become a Follower...It is NOT a one way street. Ok, enough said. I think to date, as of this Hub, I have 369 Followers...the number being kinda "Unique" in itself...A little Humor there...if you got it, just SMILE...If not just let it go, or, you could look Cool, and Smile Anyway!
I have written, Poetry about the Ocean, Humor about My Body, My Lover Man, Life...As well as the silly everyday moments. I've shared a few short stories, as well as tales about talking Animals. And now I am toying with the idea of putting my book "Gloria Rosen" out there. My dream is to make a Movie out of it with a bunch of unknown Actors, or people, who think they can act. It's kind of a Dark Comedy, meaning things happen along the way. It's not all about LAUGHTER & SEX, and..."Hey, b. Malin, I can hear you saying, what's this got to do with your 2 years on Hub Pages" "Nothing I reply, except this is MY HUB, and I can talk about what I want to talk about...after all, It is MY 2 year HUB! "Oh yeah", you all say in unison, no longer nodding.
Hey EVERYONE, aren't you going to Congratulate ME?...OMG, that VAIN THING is starting to kick in...Please come by and Save Me!