The talisman I wear
Is naked love for life,
Blended into
A haven here of
Ever expanding,
Never demanding
Love of life,
Is this talisman
I wear.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Oh! Needing notTo plunder my piano,
Nor rape, not ravish
Any thing, -
I caress the keys
And their music
Comes forth
Which I
Create not,
But merely share
What’s there.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Do you believe in rainbows?
I do!
It's not fantasy
Nor logic,
Nor science
Nor art,
Nor chance
Convincing me.
All things simply come together
In natural perception
And crystallize in natural belief.
There is no discipline nor magic
Which reassures me.
There is simply
Life itself
Posing as life-studies,
Dead specimens teach nothing of life
Nor can pompous rituals
Ensure it everlastingly.
It is known only
As it is experienced
In the moment it exists
In the living,
The Eternal Now.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
♥The polka-dot elf
I keep on the shelf
Is Cupid's second cousin
By marriage.
Elves aren't much for
Laces and flowers
For love letters like ours
And being oneself.
But if you forget
To kiss me each day
Or love me the way
That you should,
He'll tickle your ribs
And blow in your ear,
And muss up your hair!
So watch it, my dear
And be good!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
It seems the Earth is waiting.
Return is simpler than supposed.
The complexity is in the leaving.
The circle turns before she knows.
_____© Nellieanna H. Hay
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© 2010 Nellieanna Hay