Tears For Dire Straits
When someone you love
Is in dire straits
You want to reach out
With warming comfort.
You know that if you could
Wave a magic wand
To dissolve tears and bring a rose,
You gladly would.
You feel his - or her
Distress and fear
As it awaits
Some resolution
Not yours to give.
If only you could bring roses
And do something more
Than shed a tear.
Yet you must know
That caring so,
Even when apart,
Is helping too.
It reaches out a rose
Across the miles, - a bloom,
To touch, to soothe
The aching heart.
EnCOURAGEment is a gift.
Just knowing someone's there,
Feeling someone's care
Renews the person's spirit
To face the obstacle,
To rise up against it,
To trace it, face it, shear it
Down to size
So dry your eyes
And send some smiles
Wrapped up in courage
That she might seek
And find her strokes
Around, through or over
A sea of trouble that reposes
And gapes before her.
For it is the unknown fear
Which freezes her.
It is not inertia there.
So tweak her hope
And light her fire
Her strength inspire
To dry her every tear.
That will restore her
Hopes and roses.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Feb. 9, 2014
Diana Krall - Narrow Daylight
Poetry -
The shortest
From here
To there!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
fall, 1971
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This material is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Nellieanna H. Hay.
© 2014 Nellieanna Hay