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"Testing Ourselves" by Rolly A. Chabot

Updated on August 23, 2012


Good evening from sunny Alberta where we had a light show late into the night that lasted 6 hours. Flashes of lighting that would light up the sky followed by rolling thunder. It was constant all night.

At 1:30 this morning the power went out and I was thankful for the app I had downloaded to my IPad. At least I was able to make my way to bed in relative safety. It is amazing just how quiet the house can get when all the electrical stops. We get used to the noise on a daily basis. Here it is three large fish tanks and all the other appliances running around the clock.

The night was long and there were several lighting strikes which touched down in the area. Strange there was very little rain but Quigley was very restless last night. As long as Dad is around she intently sits and watches but once alone or the old guy is sleeping it is a different story. It seems the bed which is generally off limits became the safe place to be.

Gather around and lets just pass over a few things I have been observing of late and maybe someone can shed some light on the why... !

We Write


We are all Different

Each writer here on Hub Pages or any of the many sites that are out there where they write, stand out because of their own style and form in which they express ideas. We are all uniquely different and over time we can and will change to a certain degree to attract readers.

The issue is I have been seeing a growing trend for relatively successful writers coming under attack through forums and or being flagged for what is being called inappropriate content. The same content they have been producing for their entire writing career. The question I have I suppose is why are they being singled out. A very dear friend has come under attack and I find it upsetting it would happen so quickly and easily. Please remember we all have a voice not just a few.

Personally I think it may have something to do with getting involved in the forum world. I have been there a few times and it is like entering a den of angry people bent on taking down any writer who writes about something controversial. Yet does not everyone have the right to have an opinion. I mean I would never try and force what I believe in down your throat with threats and intimidation.

The few times I have visited forums and not necessarily Hub Pages I have been jumped upon immediately because of why? Not sure but it appears like the more noise you make the more people see you. Is that the reason to spit venom at another to gain something for yourself?

Please do not get me wrong as a general rule people are amazing. What they write has a profound impact on our daily lives. I have watched some amazing writers grow over the years and I have nothing but the utmost admiration for them.


The Sandbox

I suppose when you play in a sandbox of many people such as some sites you are bound to get some sand in some personal areas that irritate. Maybe that is the reason why some people get so upset.

This takes us back to an age old quote "Play Nice" but I do think this picture is so true of the mentality we see today. It is all over Social Media and many of the sites. Friend someone and all is good as long as you both agree and yet step out of line and in a matter of seconds you are tarred and feathered and banned. Worse yet you are forced to leave the place you have invested so much time into.

The solution I think is to call a spade a spade and tell people to simply grow up. Talk about school yard bullies. Here we are later in life and I see no school children here and yet look at us. Has anything changed from the dreaded days of getting picked on in school. In those days the only way to beat the bully was to teach him a lesson. Well in most cases that is hard to do because I can tell you I will not be flying anywhere soon to teach a lesson. Silly child games and all because I think the ones being bullied are a threat on the bullies turf.


Are We Not

Are we not a community here and on the many sites a community of writers all with a need to express our thoughts through the words we produce. Can we not simply follow those we love and stop following the ones who we do not agree with. Could it be that simple?

I have watched a migration of many a great writer move from one place to another and eventually move again because of the conflict. I have watched Face Book pages created with fancy names with all the same people flocking over and before long the fight starts there. What is with that, Can we just not agree to disagree and leave each other to craft what we do in peace.

We have all been wounded in life and then on the Internet through words spoken or emails we have taken the wrong way. Maybe the best way to stop it is to address the issue and if it is not dealt with accordingly then move on. It is so sad to see families fighting over the simplest and stupid things for years when if a few words were spoken at the time it would have ended. I mean apologies if you are wrong and if forgiveness is not granted then move on and leave people to wallow in their own self pity and abuse.


Lets Change

We need to change. I have seen far to many people hurt on the many sites. Some to a point where they have stopped writing all together. What a shame that is. The words they have on their hearts is so important to all. Take the time to stop, read and listen to the silent cry they are expressing for love and encouragement.

It is there all you need to do is get beyond yourself and the bitterness and look deep into the words of another. Years ago to get something published we had to go through a long drawn process before it would ever see the light of day. Today it is as simple as hitting the send button and it is out there for the whole world to see. Yes there will be critics, yes there may be some who will oppose. That is all part of being called a writer in today's time. Maybe we ourselves need to become a little less sensitive in the process of putting stuff out there.

But that is still no licence for someone to be so vindictive and angry as to slam and smear dirt all over anyone else. It has become worse than the drunken hit and run driver without a conscience. If all you are worried about is your numbers and stats then buy a calculator and play with it, rather than someones heart and feelings.

Just love please, encourage and give some praise where do.


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