Thankful for Another Morning
Water slowly dripping awakes my twilight state of mine,
Through a pleasant comfort zone sweet aroma stops time,
My senses have awoken as this morning makes its way,
Along with sudden struggles of awaking for the day,
Sharp annoyance pierces every muscle to attention,
Sleepy eyes open without another intervention.
One light switch at a time I will stumble through each dark room,
Turn on the morning news broadcast, but let the dog out soon.
Likewise make my way to the facility down the hall,
Return trip brings me at the door where I hear little paws.
Quickly I find my way to enjoy my waiting brew,
A day without this precious gold would simply never do.
Fresh as a daisy comes to mind as willfulness embarks,
I’m thankful for another day to witness all His arts.
Orange, red and yellow dotted across the clear blue sky.
Music precious to the ear of feathered bands that fly,
It’s another day, another chance to make a better world,
To bring happiness, contentment, with peace and with good will.
© 2015 Diana L Pierce