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The Apocalypse That Happened Before Its Destined Time

Updated on April 28, 2020
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I Have Been Writing For As Long As I Can Remember And I Have Always Found Pleasure In Doing So. Hope You Enjoyed The Article

Everything Can Appear To Be good At One Moment And Turns Out To Be The Opposite The Next Moment
Everything Can Appear To Be good At One Moment And Turns Out To Be The Opposite The Next Moment

Left Behind?

George's Family At The Basement

It had been over a week that the small family hid at their basement, they were running out of supplies and George and his wife had to skip meals to allow their two sons feed. The two grownups knew what was happening but they did not have the guts to say something about it. George, an engineer by profession felt sad especially for her wife Sally. He pitied her a lot, the poor wife had always been on her feet when it came to matters prayers, she gave it her all life.

The basement was the only safe place they knew of. Before their television signal had tampered with the news had it that even the duke of the area had been killed. It was a tough time that Sally had never imagined to go through, not after her dedication to the church.

Situations outside The House

Everything had been set ablaze, the animals, shops, malls and the farms. Distant wails could be heard clearly from the basement. Corpses flooded the streets since there was no one to bury the dead.

Inadequate supplies were everyone's plea. Indeed the time had come that everyone had lived ignoring, the dreadful day had eventually come

If You Are Going To Survive, You're Going To Have To Learn To Be More Ruthless

Memories of sweet moments bring back tears
Memories of sweet moments bring back tears

How It All Began

Life was always good for the Georges, with George running an engineering firm that made him give life's best to his family.

For a while, everything moved on swiftly, nothing ever indicating what was soon to hit them hard. What would have changed their lives for good?

The Beginning Of The End

Pastor Billings always preached about the apocalypse and how it was to find believers out of the damned world. According to him, the end would not come till all believers were out of the picture, Jesus would have taken them already. This and many more he preached.

Despite the tension that was brewing up in the country, all believers knew the end was not yet to come. They knew the tension could result in war but the end was yet to come. Sally her self had consulted with pastor Billings and was reassured that the end was not yet to come.


As a mother of two and a wife she always cared for her family. She had constantly prayed for George and the kids, her will be all of them could one day join her in the life she thought wise. Being the pillar of the house pertaining matters faith she was the most affected when it all happened.

Her faith failed her and this hurts her more than hunger did. At one point she would stare at a space and let her tears flow freely. It was too much for her to bear.

Pastor Billings who had been her icon was probably dead, he would not have survived the explosion that targeted his house.

Time Indeed Has Very Little To Do With Living Except At Its Beginning Or Near Its End

Death Night

They Almost Escaped

George had planned for a family vacation to spend the weekend in the woods however that very same day a meeting came over and he had to suspend his plans. Back at home, Sally had put in place what they would need for the vacation only to be called and told to postpone the travelling till the next day.

Having disappointed his family, George came home that night with a crate full of drinks to apologize for the disappointment. Little did they know that that was their last celebration as a family. Later in the night, the family agreed to start their journey the next day very early in the morning.

The Bombshell

At about midnight the first missile touched the ground emitting radioactive radiations. The blast woke the family from their sleep. Before anyone could do anything a second missile touched the ground, by this time it was clear they were being attacked, only no one knew why and by who.

George's house was a permanent structure with a basement beneath it and that is where they all went. The televisions were announcing something to do with nuclear weapons being used to launch the attacks in different parts of the country if not the world.

At the same time news of the risen messiah who was seen somewhere at the city's square was being broadcast.

According to news anchors, the faithful were no longer on earth since they were taken minutes before the first explosion. Witnesses who were mostly guards were the ones claiming to see with their own eyes believers together with the messiah leaving the earth.

This news broke Sally's heart terribly, she knew only too well what would follow after the ascension of the believers.

Bloody Times

Outside there were many victims, Over 10,000 people were writhing in pain waiting for their cruel death, many had died already. The ones who survived the explosion were later on killed by the radiation. Chances of survival were narrow.

The bombing had continued and within an hour it had hit the whole world. Leaving no one to help the other.

For Sally, there was no hope for humanity, on the first day of the third week after the bombing the family woke up to a shock. Sally's body hangs lifelessly on the basement's roof.

life sucks sometimes
life sucks sometimes

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