The Freedom of Letting Go: An Abstract Journey
Letting Go
Some have said there is freedom in 'letting go,' but what does that really mean?
You may 'let go' of exercise, anger, doubt, bitterness, religion, high-calorie foods, alcohol, emotions, thought, compassion, empathy, curiosity and hurt, but what about giving up the opposite of these terms too?
Make your own list and add words of your own.
What is the freedom of 'letting go' and why is for some very liberating?
Could what it means to 'let go' be a paradox whether we may realize it or not?
Does it stem from within ourselves of what we think it is, what we need or want to 'let go of, or what others think?
Is it a necessity to 'let go' of all, in part, the opposite, a balance, or a mixture?
Are we to 'let go' of what we want, don’t want, what we need, or don’t need?
Is there a formula for 'letting go?'
A Hypothesis of 'Letting Go'
1.If only we could all 'let go,' we would all experience being fully liberated.
2. What if we 'let go' of every second word in the above idea. We would get the following,
If we all 'go,' would experience fully.
3. Now, if we 'let go' of every second word from the second word in the above idea we would get the following,
Only could 'let,' we all being liberated.
4. Now, if we “let go” of all text, we would get,
Nothing, void and null.
If we let go of 1 and embrace both 2 and 3
What do I get?
Is it 1?
If we 'let go' of 1, we could believe either 2, 3, both, or 4.
If we 'let go of 1, 2, and 3, we could believe 4 (void).
Making Sense of 'It'
Interestingly enough, all these sentences make sense, no sense or a mixture of both in some way, or not at all.
For instance, someone may 'let go' of a certain belief, religion, faith, reality or notion they may have had at one time such as there is a God or a deity. They find this new belief or non-belief liberating.
The question is,
What did they 'let go' 'let go' of to obtain this reality?
Furthermore, when one becomes a 'believer,'
What in essence do they 'let go' of to achieve their reality as well?
Did they also, 'let go' of a certain belief, religion, faith, reality or notion they once had or vice versa?
If we were to 'let go' of evil and believe it does not exist then it would be void of understanding.
If we were 'let go of good and believe it does not exist then it would be void of understanding.
If we 'let go' of evil for the opposite then would good still exist.
If we 'let go' of good for the opposite then would evil still exist?
Evil and good may be all in perspective reality. This concept may be may too big of a concept to comprehend or rather too small.
Uh Oh! To 'Let Go' of 'Letting Go'
I will now choose to 'let go' of my keyboard.
Now, I have chosen to 'let go' of 'letting go' of my keyboard.
That is why you see here that there is a continuance of text some time after I did 'let go.'
Finally, I will 'let go' and maybe you will 'let go' too.
Also, if or when you do 'let go,' you may want to 'let go' of 'letting go.'
Truth is, I may do the opposite by 'letting go' of 'let go.'
We may both come to our own two different realities fully or partially.
The choice is yours whether to absolutely or relatively embrace the idea of 'letting go' when you 'let go.'
Equifinality Obscured
I think 'letting go' in essence brings about a certain freedom. What we choose to believe makes up the essence of who we are and the way we think that encompasses our reality. If we 'let go' of all, we become void or null, but if we 'let go' for the opposite, then maybe the negatives would become positives.
Questioning 'Letting Go'
Are we able to do otherwise?
Does it exist?
Do we represent, act and do it for a reason?
What is the cause of it?
Is it from an internal or external influence, or both?
Is it a conscious deliberation of choice?
Is it an abstraction of psychological properties?
Is it from logic, knowledge, metaphysical, ontological, ethical or spiritual?
Is it an esoteric opinion?
We can apply all, the opposite, a mixtures, or the void.
We become the very things we fill our minds with.
What we fill our minds with are the perceptions, decisions, cognitions, communications, interpretations, emotions and the semantics of our reality.
Our realities come from wrestling the internals and externals of our existence.
T(t)ruth with a big, or little t, of 'letting go,' is found by those who sincerely and honestly seek after it.
The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer. ~ Edward R. Murrow
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