April-National Poetry Month - Poem 4 "Hear Me Roar"
A right to vote
Poem 4 - Hear Me Roar
Straight from the marrow
Of Adam’s rib
From washing dishes
To women’s lib
Women had to fight
For voting rights
And then
Stood their ground
To change the laws
Defied the rules
And burned their bras
United hearts
Demanding rules
To bend
Woman in pants
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeThe men rebelled
In furious rants
When women
Started wearing pants
Waving signs
To pledge their rebel cause
Left the sink
With dirty dishes
Bowed no more
To grant their wishes
Took their place
Among the courts of law
Pledge of Allegiance
Lead On
Lead on
And may you not be weary
Hearts are full
Eyes are teary
May your fighting spirit
Never lag
Give no thought
To fear of failing
Think of Hillary
And Palin
Raise your hand
And pledge allegiance
To the flag
The Pledge explained
Time To Vote
It will be November soon and time for another election. Exercise your right! Get out and vote for your candidate. You've earned it!