The Bag Packing Girl
Where I found Inspiration
The Bag Packing Girl
I used to be a bag packer,
Bringing service with a smile,
I used to be a bag packer,
Often asked to go the extra mile.
With a thin ill-fitting uniform,
You'd want service to your car,
Never mind the temperature
Just as long as you don't have to bend too far.
I used to be a bag packer
Or “Customer service Clerk”
I used to be a bag packer
A staff discount my only perk.
If other departments were busy,
I would then become a skivvy
Asked to help out with the cleaning
And buff the floor, so it was gleaming.
I used to be a bag packer,
It amazed me that people think
That you are just a bag packer,
And some folks attitude to me would stink.
But I was a customer service clerk,
Bringing you service with a smile,
And even if I thought you were a jerk
I would go the extra mile.
Patricia Ann Ward © 5/1/12
Other Poetry on Hubpages
If you like my poem, why not look at some of my other stuff
Teacher With Passion is about a poetry teacher I used to have.
Compassion on the Street is about a ministry I am involved in called Street Pastors.
How long is too Long? A tribute to those who have fought for their country.
This is just a small selection, thank you for reading!