The Red Carpet Paved by Blood
The blood of Jesus Christ
Has paved my destiny, and
It secures all of my paths,
It charts my course, and is the compass
Which guides me to real life,
His blood is my red carpet, my walk of fame
Life I can only find in His holy name,
It leads to steps as white as snow
Eternity promised by words so pure,
The spotlight of truth penetrates my soul
Giving me what I need to go the next mile,
His countenance lights my way
Because of Him I can truly smile,
He is royalty, my joy and my strength
As I discover more of who I am in Him
The hope of glory He is through me,
The blood stained path decrees me free
He is regal and royal, King of all Kings,
The King rolled out His own red carpet, and said,
Take up your cross and follow me"
I will praise you Lord Jesus!
All that You wrought is marvelous, and
Your finished works I can see,
My soul is a witness to Your good working in me
What You wrought for me at Calvary,
You gave me a red carpet to tread
Paved in Your grace and mercy, that
This ole world and no one could ever afford,
The treasures in Your cleansing and atoning blood.
The blood that Jesus shed at Calvary
paved the way for you and me,
His sacrifice framed a path for us to walk
Gave us a new and living way to talk,
We all have to take it personally, that
His blood cleanses and gives us a sin bath,
The path through His blood Is our red carpet to fame
which we access only in His precious name
We shine through the spotlight of His Spirit
Not of anything pertaining to ourselves
Everything we are, we owe to the blood
Now we walk the red carpet stained with blood
Love so powerful in this crimson flood.
****We overcome by the word of our testimony and the blood of Jesus Christ****