The Cure for Writer's Block -
There’s really nothing worse than writer’s block. Well, there are worse things, but there’s probably nothing quite so frustrating. Unfortunately, the only way to “cure” writer’s block is – funnily enough – to write. But how on Earth do you write when you don’t have anything to write about? It’s a pickle, no doubt about it.
The answer lies in writing anyway. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what to write about. All you have to do is write a few pages about whatever comes into your head. Don’t edit it, don’t censor it. Just write.
750 words can help you with this. It's a great tool to encourage you to write. In fact, it might be the cure for writer's block.
In a nutshell, 750 words is a website which helps you write by encouraging you to jot down 750 words (about 3 pages) every day. The idea is that writing like this will force you to dig into your subconscious a bit. It gets the creative juices flowing, as it were. You can tell the site to send you a reminder every day at a given time so you'll remember to write your 750 words.
Writing earns you points, and the more often you write, the more points you get. This helps you get into the habit of writing regularly – points are surprisingly good motivators.
The site saves your work as you write, so you don’t need to worry about a brilliant idea being lost by accident.
To use, simply go to the webpage. You’ll be able to log-in through several different accounts. You’ll then be given the option of receiving e-mail reminders every day at whatever time you like. This is of course optional, but it might be worth trying. You can always cancel them later.
Once you’ve registered, you should receive an e-mail with a verification link. Click on that link, and you’re ready to write!
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