The Dream/The Nightmare/The Reality
The Dream
My world is spinning out of control and
I don't know which way I should go Time and time and time again Why can't I find the way I think I know Telling folks I know the way I see it in front of me every day To good for the place you wanna be How am I supposed to make a change if I don't show me Today Today Today Relying on people to tell me how to get to a place They cannot see Waiting for their efforts in me Believe what I believe You can change it It's free Free thought Free Love Free giving To all who need Trying to figure out how to live my dream I just want to be what I am today Why can't you Love me this way This season's changing I hear what you're saying Why am I that easy to leave Sitting here lights I'm blind Sitting here scared of...the nights I'm fine I've been here before And I know it'll be alright All I got to do is fight Again And then Again And stand As strong as I am Even though I don't understand Why realty doesn't catch my pace It's times like these when I see why I'm undone It's times like these when I see why I'm one It's times like these when I fight being done Done with me Done with the breeze That lets me know I'm alive and free To breathe what's in front of me You could give more but I could give less If you only knew the hole in my chest That bleeds and dreams of the end out of sight It's the pain that give me strength to fight The mountain illuminates in the morning grey Clouds rolling low keeping the sun away Different parts of me believing The tree reaching for the sun I can't see Dripping rain from it's leaves Thankful for the skies Thankful for the cries Thankful for the strife that lets me love this life... More deeply I'm sleepy... Now...I'm tired but my soul is on fire With a passion for this world and life Even if it's the one I don't want to be mine And in this time there is a line I can not walk as the music plays and stirs me in a way It's hard to explain with the words of everyday It's hard to explain the happiness if you haven't seen the pain And felt the rumble of your soul as you ride with the train Screaming down the mountain connected to a path Trying to pick up speed and hop the track Making your own way Flowing through the trees like the stream that feeds your soul
convincing you to be free Free of this world we've made Free of the graves Free of the way we make ourselves slaves I wish I could bring you with me to this place The sky opens up as I close my eyes and see your face Smiling back at me as I give chase Chasing a dream Chasing the sound of your voice in the morning Chasing the way you look at me Chasing the happiness this dream brings All I want is for you to be All you have to do is open your eyes and see Me The bum on the street Hiding behind his dreams Epiphanies and whiskey He can change the world when he's on his feet He can feed his soul when he has something to eat
The Nightmare
Nightmares abound lately In the woods on a retreat Open forest creating Possibilities Unfettered Imagination Freedom of thought and action
Tragedy Disbelief
...In me...
She's leaving me Left Gone Reminded by phone calls saying she's here with me but your not...
You're gone I'm too rough around the edges and broken in the middle I'm not that man you can change I just needed the freedom to get back to me Free Spirited Believing in me was all I needed you to be I'm not successful but now that the future looks green your interest
is peaked and you want to be in the next scene I just want happiness The circumstance To create freedom to feel I can Love someone and excited to give all
of me All I want is for you to be All you have to do is open your eyes and see Me The bum on the street Hiding behind his dreams Epiphanies and whiskey He can change the world when he's on his feet He can feed his soul when he has something to eat
The Reality
Stinking and sweaty the weeds scattered across my body No longer filling my brain The sun shines down cooking the cigarettes from my veins Ripped out the walls and burned the piles...heat seared my face Singed my hair burnt my fingers I'm red hot glowing cause my soul is no longer disgrace I'm outta that place A different ride A different stride I've changed my pace
Tomorrow is another day No it isn't Right now Today! No longer running away the past is a lion clawing at my brain in the
woods In the bushes covered in dirty memories Birds... Pecking at my eyes covered in bloodied words Suffocating as my lungs rot away I reached up Grabbed my hand Pulled me up stumbled to a cliff and fell off Drowned in a river that washed the death away Looking at my reflection for the first time in years Looking in my eyes smiles no fears Remembering the sadness with different tears Running on the banks Cashed my checks Said my thanks Said goodbye Now I'm back still no green in my pocket but now I know my future's...
Wide Open Throttle ...Up straight ahead Old wheels Worn heels Empty pockets cause my dollar is in the tank getting me as far as I
can go Till I get a little more Chicken scratch off the floor Picking up nickels this is my 401K This is how I save Complicated poverty this is how I kept myself a slave A jar full of weed and change Now I'm back to the positive so much packed into my brain Exploding on paper Excited to live Excited to give what's been stored up inside For all these years wanting to scream it into a mic and drown out
your... Oh too real fears I know what it's like with no room in your soul Can't stretch your legs Your mind filled with dregs All you can do is survive Deep down you know you're just biding your time Waiting around For the no sights and no sounds No goals The future hounds you with a hole in the ground This is not the way it has to be No more cold No more hunger Open the door of your dark box let the sun in and look around Look back...reach down Grab your hand and pull yourself out of the ground Here we go speeding down the same road we were rotting next to a
lifetime ago Rain washing away the past Behind us Wind drowning out screams of what we thought of us When we used to ride the bus Busted dreams Busted seams A busted watch and ripped jeans Now we're in the moment of tomorrow Positive we can overcome the sorrow Sketching a dream of what's to follow Grains fall through the glass Pen in my hand Break it open and draw a line in the sand No going back even though I know I can All I want is for you to be All you have to do is open your eyes and see Me The bum on the street Hiding behind his dreams Epiphanies and whiskey He can change the world when he's on his feet He can feed his soul when he has something to eat
© 2015 Nowhere Man