The Flame
The Flame
Like memories in the mind,
Tiny leaves wave in the wind,
You look as graceful petite,
Who waits for her soul mate,
When I touch your trunk,
I feel the beloved's bosom,
Flame ! do you know how,
I long for her soft embrace.
I keep staring at the wall,
Lose track of all goings on,
Only her memory flashes,
Everything turns insipid,
I don't want to remember,
Anything except her face,
Desperate I seek her out ,
As flame burning in your lap.
Brush crimson on her lips,
That wind takes from you,
Succulence she owns like,
You throw beneath the feet,
When I look at your crown,
I think of her quiescent face,
When you wave your body,
I relish all her lithe moves.
Twirl and twist the leaves ,
I want to savor her laughs,
When you shed your shawl,
She will smile in solitude,
Whenever I walk past you,
Will open my heart to you,
Listen to all my pangs then,
Feel close as she can be !
© Harish Mamgain