The Giant's Fall
1. He has just returned
To the island with
Something powerful, that island
Has been seeking for
2. It has been long
That the people of
Island has been seeking
For a likened possession
3. People have been sent
On the bills of
The island to learn
This thing but couldn’t
4. He went on a
Trip outside the island
For a different purpose
Stumbled across the thing
5. Made inquiries into how
Met with favor was
Granted access to the
Rudiments of acquiring it
6. After acquiring it, worked
With the people for
A while, then asked when
He’ld prepare for home
7. He was let go
Not long after get
Hold of all his
Belongings for return trip
8. Soon got to Island,
Relatives were happy seeing
Him return safely to island
Was befittingly welcomed home.
9. After a while let
His people know that
He diverted to ‘nother
Skill when he traveled
10. Told them the skill
Acquired there, they were
Happy ‘cos island has
Spent and be spent
11. Many a one has
Been sent to learn
About something he possessed
But didn’t get close
12. Took the matter to
Island leaderships that their
Own now possesses what
Island has been longing for
13. Quickly, island leaderships sent
For him, made inquiries
If what his people
Said ‘bout him was true
14. After a while, resolutions
Were made by leaderships
To add him into
The decision-making body
15. Few asked of requirements
Expected of him to
Fulfill before becoming a
Member of the house
16. They agreed that he
Was needed in the
Team to terrify other
Islands bringing in security
17. The needful requirements to
Fulfill were waived for
Him ‘cause island had
Lacked this for long
18. Island has been without
Security for this, suffered
Terribly for long from
Other islands for this
19. An accolade due to
Him, everyone says within
And without, debt profile
Will reduce for this
20. He started well with
The people, putting them
At the apex of
His heart for a-while
21. As time flies by
He didn’t consider the
People of island important
Again, was inward looking
22. The neglect of citizens
Brought he into house
Of leaderships, started ignoring
Them, not attending meetings
23. Call to order repeatedly
But didn’t yield for
He has what no one
Has within the island
24. Everyone becomes sick of
Him and was praying
Hoping, looking for way
Out of the mess
25. He has become dry
Bone that stuck to
The island’s esophagus which
Needs to be removed
26. A problem emerged and
He was called upon
To use his skills
To resolve the problem
27. He didn’t answer them
For a while, when he
‘Ventually answered demand he
Puts across can’t be met
28. Pleaded and pleaded with
Him for reconsideration but
He did not answer them
Asked them to consult other
29. If thou consult others
From other islands for
This, you would know
‘Am considerate with thee
30. Island leaderships met severally
Eventually resolved to go
Along with his demands
Then, heard the news
31. A young unknown guy emerged
Indigene of island has
Emerged in the line
Of such skills a-while
32. Limited number of people
Within island knew this
Now that they are in
Strait gate, told leaderships
33. Covertly for fear of
Negativity if it’s a lie
Interviewed the young guy
He showed them his worth
34. They were dumbfounded of
What they heard and
Were convinced of what
He has shown ‘em
35. Resolved to try even
If at higher costs
If he fails, took
Him to the zone
36. He excellently performed those
Things they had been
Paying for, not asked
For did the thing
37. Island became free of
The pangs of the giant
When he heard he
Said it couldn’t be
38. He was ignored by
All as people started
Singing about the naïve
Unknown guy, new savior
39. Giant's statues in center
Of island was demolished
Those at homes were
Replaced with naïve guy
40. Giant covered with shame
Weeks after found dead
In his apartment as
Island remain peaceful ever